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Self-Love Reminders For Back To School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

I find it so important to always recognize and acknowledge the feelings you experience even when you might not comprehend where it stems from. It’s just as important to take care of yourself physically as it is to address emotions and feelings that are constantly existing within you. 

My two month summer break was a safe space away from schedules and routines that have now come to an end. The free spirit within me has now been slightly contained within the constructs of what it means to be a student here at UBC. So many responsibilities that were non-existent during the summer days have now reappeared before I can catch another much needed breath. I feel myself in a constant state of chaos — an internal fluster.

At times like this, a friendly reminder to love yourself is helpful! SELF LOVE GURLS!

Self-love is a regard for one’s own well-being.  Giving yourself some more love; love to your physical form and love to your internal wellbeing! Here are some things you can do to give yourself the love you deserve :


Love to your Physical Form


1. Hydrate yourself! 

Drink tons of water to flush out your internal tracks so that you can feel refreshed and ready for whatever it is to come. 

2. Sweat it out!

Go do some intense cardio exercises and sweat it all out to give you a slight boost and get your body in a positive space. 

3.  The answer Is always coconut oil! 

Lather yourself in nature’s gifts, like doing some oil pulling to keep your skin glowing and moisturized. Work daily to feel 120% comfortable in your own skin!

4.  Face & Body Masks

These will make you feel refreshed and rid of any dirt or bacteria on your body; take care of your vessel!

**suggestion : love lettuce from Lush


Let’s encourage each other to be radical and love our bodies! Stay body positive! 

Love to your Mind & Soul


1. Healing Stones

Healing stones are a healthy form of self reflection and help give you a clear mind with a daily goal to strive towards. 

**suggestion : I would recommend using Green Flourite as it “carries a calm, stable frequency that brings order to chaos, and scattered and discordant energies into cohesion and harmony. Fluorite supports spirituality and thought, focus and concentration, and balance in all aspects of one’s life.” 

2.  Meditate (with crystals!)

Pick your favourite crystal or a crystal you need and meditate with it in your palms. Meditation with crystals can help transport you to a state of relaxation that tunes you out for a slight moment amongst the chaos.

3.  Musical Remedy

Put some music on, sit in an open space (possibly under the sun) and soak it all in. Connecting and appreciating your surroundings changes the mood of everyday!

4.  Turn off the Devices

This really helps me to think quietly with no distractions (especially when I’m trying to focus on a task) and also grounds me back in the reality I live in. 

These are 8 different ways of staying in a state of love with yourself as well as with the people and living things surrounding you.

The most important thing is to learn to accept and appreciate your physical form as it is a vessel for your mind.  There will be times when there is or seems to be a disconnect between you and the world, but slowly, you will learn to love yourself and be able to love and appreciate other minds, bodies and entities. The more love you have for yourself, the more love you will be able to see and give to others.

Emily Morehead is a fourth-year Honours Political Science major and a Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice minor - and the current co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UBC! :) She hopes to pursue law in the future and run for office someday. Emily loves taking long hikes up mountains, traveling to new places, and obsessing over cute corgis.