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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.


Name: Nina Vasic

Faculty: Commerce

Year: 3

Hometown: Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Instagram: ninnyninz



Something most people don’t know about me: I’m double jointed. Probably could have been a circus contortionist if I had gotten more practice.

Last gift I gave: Chocolates to a friend I’ve missed.

Last meal I ate: Pizza in bed.

Favourite UBC prof: Gateman. We were all in it together.

Guilty pleasure: Don’t have any! I don’t think you should feel guilty about loving something. If it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad.

Destination the last time I took a bus: Vienna

Hobbies: Making collages at 4 in the morning, cutting my own hair on a whim and petting small fluffy animals.

Favourite song right now: Shampoo Suicide by Broken Social Scene. It makes you feel like you’re in a dream.

Favourite quote: “Nobody owns life, but anyone who can pick up a frying pan owns death.” – Burroughs



Status: Single

Best place for a date in Vancouver: The art gallery on a Tuesday. Then you can walk across the street to Café Artigiano for a drink.

Non-negotiable qualities in your dream person: Someone who can laugh at themselves and isn’t too serious.

Biggest turn off: Chewing with your mouth open.

Celebrity crush: HarryStylez4Evr

Emma is an English Honours student at UBC majoring in English Literature. She enjoys books, tea, travelling, and horses.