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Nick Preston ’14 – Mr. Wickham

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

In the next few weeks, we’ll be featuring male members of the cast of Theatre at UBC’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’, currently showing at the Frederic Wood Theatre. Second on the list is Nick Preston, who plays Mr. Wickham!


Name: Nick Preston (-Brown?). (JK. It’s been 3 months)

Year: 4

Major: BFA Acting

Hometown: Black Creek, Vancouver Island

Relationship Status: Recently transitioned from a “mutually monogamous non-relationship” to the real thing. I push for commitment!


Theatre at UBC

What role are you currently playing in ‘Pride & Prejudice’, and why did you want to play it?

I am playing the role of Mr. Wickham. It’s super fun to play the bad boy. But he’s actually just misunderstood and Darcy’s a wookie. Just ask Matt.

What was the first show you ever did? 

Missoula Children’s Theatre production of Wiz of the West. I was Tarantula. I guess I’m still playing “creeps”. HA. I’m SOOO funny. All of the girls in my class just don’t get me.

What role would you love to play that you haven’t yet? 

Anything Sinatra ever played, Leo Bloom in The Producers or Jimmy from Thoroughly Modern Millie (they actually get the girls).

What is something embarrassing or unexpected that happened to you on stage?

I dunno about onstage, but I had a quick-change in the wings, and when the pants came off, well something had adjusted itself during a dance and slipped out in front of a guy I was on rocky terms with. I’ve never worn boxers with an open fly during shows since.

When did you first know you wanted to become an actor? 

I guess I always knew, but I didn’t decide until my first year at UBC, and was fortunate to have things work out with auditions. Haven’t looked back at a moment since.

What show are you doing/auditioning for next?

Next and final show at UBC is The Seagull, I but plan on auditioning for a couple outside UBC in the spring and for summer repertory companies. Also working on a devised piece with a theatre collective that is bringing current issues and personal perspectives to Shakespeare’s text.  Officially started writing a musical I’ve been thinking about yesterday, so maybe that will go somewhere too.

Have you ever forgotten your lines, or a prop, or choreography during a performance? What happened? 

Dorothy in Wizard of OZ once asked me as the Tin Man’s human counterpart “where are the others?” (they were, in real life, changing) so I of course answered “changing… the cows”.


Love Life

Best date:

Dinner at Dark Table, since it’s pitch black obviously shirts come off in the restaurant. Followed by a walk to the beach. Since it’s dark, obviously clothes come off for a swim. Then Tim Hortons. Obviously just hot chocolate, cause who doesn’t love some HoCho. So blown any by her, I was WAY too nervous to go in for a goodnight kiss.

Biggest turn off in a partner:

Cold hands. 

Most attractive thing in a partner:

Netflix account. Or the willingness to climb trees.

Zafira is a fourth-year English Literature Major at the University of British Columbia and is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus UBC. She grew up in sunny Kenya and now lives amongst the beaches and mountains that is beautiful British Columbia. She is thrilled to introduce Her Campus at UBC and build towards its strength in Canada! When she's not reading a book, she is usually wrestling with her hair and her umbrella under the constant torrents of rain in Vancouver, or can be seen with a yoga mat tucked under her arm, as Vancouverites do.