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Maria Emily Otawara

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.
The Basics
Name: Maria Emily Otawara 
Faculty: Arts
Year: 3
Hometown: Osaka, Japan
All About Maria
Favorite childhood memory: Pretending to be a fortune teller and inviting my family members inside my fluffy DIY tent
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go: If is during Summer, then Bangledesh; Winter, Hong Kong 
If you won a million dollars what is the first thing you would buy: I will buy flight tickets to Prague for my parents. 
Hidden talent: Eating many gari (ginger that people eat with sushi) without getting sick of them
Maria and UBC
Favorite memory at UBC so far: Meeting my new UBC friends through Jump Start and Japan Association
Most enjoyable class, and why: Japanese Manga, Anime, and Videogames class. The prof, his lectures, slides, and topics covered were interesting and fun. 
What do you love most about UBC: My UBC friends
Status: In a relationship 
What do you find most attractive in a guy: Appearance – depends on the guy; Personality- supportive 
Ideal date: Going on a mini trip to a Japanese Inn at a hot spring resort 
Celebrity crush: Sho Sakurai (Arashi)