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10 Things as Ridiculous as UBC’s White Student Union

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UBC chapter.

The UBC White Student Union, a new Facebook page for “white” students on campus, joins the many controversies that have plagued UBC over the past few weeks. While the creators of this Facebook page are not UBC students themselves, a large amount of support for the group has come from within UBC.

I won’t get into all of the reasons why a white student union is problematic, but I will say this: the need for a white student union is ridiculous. As a white person myself, I acknowledge that my skin colour has given me privilege that provides me with unfair advantages in life. While I face systems of oppression as a woman, I do not face systems of oppression as a white person because my skin colour has been historically privileged in Canadian society. Therefore, the claim that white students need a union to express their interests is absurd because the system we live in already does just that. UBC’s White Student Union is additionally problematic because organizations promoting white interests have historically turned violent and support white supremacy (KKK anyone?).

Although much more can be said on this topic, I thought it would be fun to list 10 things that are as ridiculous as the need for a white student union. Here it is:

1. Global Warming deniers 

These people still exist? Why are we still debating this?

2. Florida

No shade to the people of Florida, but you have to admit, a lot of ridiculous things happen in Florida.

3. The Starbucks cup controversy


4. Ben Carson’s attempted stabbing

US presidential candidate Ben Carson claimed in an interview that he tried to stab someone as a teenager, but people from his past claim this isn’t true. I’m not sure if this is a lie I’d pick as a presidential candidate. You do you, Ben Carson.

5. Ariana Grande licking a donut and not paying for it 

We all need to lick a donut and not pay for it every now and then, right? 

6. The existence of The Room

How was this movie allowed to exist?

7. Kim Davis

Refusing to allow same-sex couples to marry is not cool, Kim!

8. Men’s rights activists boycotting “Mad Max: Fury Road”

Some people can’t handle strong female leads, I suppose!

9. The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge

Not only did it look like a very painful challenge, but also a completely ridiculous one. 

10. Donald Trump

Does anything need to be said?


I hope you have enjoyed this list of ridiculousness, HCUBC cuties!