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Aaron Burden/Unsplash

Thanksgiving with a Black Family: White Person’s Perspective

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

I am the black half of my interracial marriage. This was my husband and I’s first Thanksgiving as a married couple and we spent it with my family. Usually my family is loud in every aspect, but we always have a good time together.

Once dinner was over, I asked my husband if he had a good time. He told me how my family had 10x the volume and 3x the laughter within the first fifteen minutes than his family had during the whole day. There was a lot of tea to sip and spill (yes, he refers to information as “tea” because of us) and none of it was controversial. He’s a picky eater, but luckily he enjoyed all the food that he did eat. He tells me that the closeness, affection, and sheer number of my family astounds him. The fact that we see most everyone throughout the year and we still get excited to see each other on Thanksgiving is new to him. He had fun and a lot of laughs. My family loves him and he loves my family.

For them all, I am thankful.

A young, married woman just pushing her way through college.