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Re-Motivating Yourself After a Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

Re-Motivating Yourself After a Break

If you’re like most southern campuses, you didn’t have school for a few days due to the threatening cold weather conditions and snow. It. Was. LIT!

Not only did you not have to go to school for a few extra days, but it was like a mini post first week of school break and man, was it the best thing ever. However, now attempting to get back in the swing of things for school has been rough. It’s one thing to re-motivate yourself to a new semester of school with new courses and trying to organize your new course load, but it’s another thing to be given yet another break after just having had a long one and try to re re-motivate yourself with the school work you now have. If you’re having a hard time (like myself) re-adjusting, just think about how much easier your life will be if you get all of your stuff together now rather than moping around trying to avoid the inevitable. Think of it this way. What’s your G.P.A. goal for this semester? Ok, now are you doing everything you need to in order to achieve that? Are you really putting your best foot forward now or are you procrastinating and will end up being stressed out in the coming weeks of the semester? I know it’s not easy starting a new semester, especially if you’re a seasoned college veteran like myself (juniors wya?!), but if you think about all the life goals you have and truly understand how the decisions you make now will influence that, this should be enough to get you going or at least make a conscious effort to start. Ok people let’s get our lives together and make this a great semester!