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How to Survive a Full Course Load

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UAB chapter.

How to Survive a Full Course Load

I’m currently taking 16 credit hours and it is by far the most stressful thing ever. Here are a few tips that help me get through my days and make them a little less terrifying that I’m sure will help you all too.

1. Get a Planner

There is absolutely no way around it, you have to get a planner to survive. Taking 15-18 credit hours, working a part time job and trying to staying involved with different organizations on campus will pull you in so many different directions and there is just no way that you’ll remember the fifty different things you have to do in a day. Buy a planner, write everything in your planner and refer back to it through-out your day. Trust me it’ll make your life easier.

2.Get Your Rest

Don’t pull all nighters 5 days a week, you’re just going to burn yourself out. To survive a full course load you need your rest, I know we all have days where there is literally not enough hours in the day for everything that needs to be done, but trust me your health and sanity are way more important.

3. Don’t Procrastinate

Procrastination is a college students worst enemy! The busier we are the more things get pushed to the back burner, which causes a buildup of things that need to get done and we all know what comes out of that … All nighters. I suggest making a schedule or a to-do list for the week along with their due dates. This will help you to be more organized and goes back to my first tip for buying a planner.

4. Take Advantage of Office Hours and SI Sessions

Professors office hours and SI sessions are meant to help you, take full advantage of them! If you are having a hard time in a course, maybe you are wanting extra practice in a topic or even if you need a better understanding of something those to opportunities are for you!! Professors love it when you take advantage of office hours because it shows that you are serious about your success in the course. Just don’t wait until finals week to take advantage of these opportunities!

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Alumnae | Her Campus Chapter Advisor?