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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.

Coffee is a drink you may say, but I say it’s something more than that! The way coffee has influenced my life has changed drastically over the years. Coffee has such an impact on people’s lives, that there is even a specific date dedicated to coffee! October 1st is International Coffee Day, and I’m ready to celebrate it! The history of coffee production. All began in the African nation of Ethiopia. The coffee bean was discovered by Kaldi, a goat farmer. As time passed, coffee touched the lips of many nations. Creating the wide variety of coffee we enjoy today, from espresso to macchiato from hot to cold. I say, in the name of International Coffee Day, let’s dive into the world of coffee and the stories it creates.

It’s an understatement to say coffee is important to society. Centuries ago, coffee was used in rituals/ceremonies and was consumed based on religious reasons. Fast forward to today, coffee is still an important part of societal norms, and we drink it religiously. We’ve all seen the morning line at our local coffee shops. It’s the symbol of first dates, morning routines, late nights, staff meetings, and pick-me-ups. It’s an excellent medium for all types of conversations! From group projects, and bonding sessions to so much more, the beverage of coffee has opened its warm arms to all occasions.

A good friend of mine, Lucy Mcdowell, a second-year Political Science student at Uvic says, “Me and my mother bond over coffee, when me and mum want an excuse to hang out we take random breaks in our days to have coffee and gossip’’. So the next time you want an excuse to hang out with someone you love, this is your reminder to ask them to have a cup of joe. Another thing we can all commonly relate to is the way coffee has been with us, for our academic weapon moments and the not-so-academic weapon moments too. From countless 2000-word papers, those last-minute assignments that we convinced ourselves to turn in right before the deadline, and those unmotivated nights, where doing calculus seemed like selling your soul to the devil with that cup of coffee (or three) makes it feel alright.

 Besides, have you ever wondered why so many people are such loyal coffee drinkers? Why does your mom run to the coffee pot the moment she wakes up? Why do you catch yourself standing in line at Biblio, even though class has already started? This is because coffee contains the stimulant caffeine, which causes mild dependency on the fluid. As the responsible person I am, it is important to touch upon the countless biological and mental benefits coffee provides, including acting as a mood booster. It is recorded to fight against depression and reduce the likelihood of memory-affecting diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Also, it aids in increasing metabolism and flushing of toxins. In terms of mental benefits, it increases concentration, and mental sharpness and provides a mood booster. However, just like how every coin has two sides, there are drawbacks to drinking coffee such as increased risk of heart attacks or high blood pressure. It can also disrupt sleeping patterns, leading to further attacks of anxiety, fatigue, and drowsiness.

Coffee holds a special place in my heart, and I’ve grown to see it as more than what it is for. I’ve personified it as a support system and a form of happiness valuable to myself. It brings people from all different backgrounds and life experiences together! I say we must use it in our spectacular, little, chaotic lives.

So, the next time you see someone on campus and think “I want to be friends with them”, just ask them to get a coffee with you! If they say no, please direct them to me and I will convert them!  

Dithni Perera is the Events Director at Her Campus at the University of Victoria chapter. She oversees the events on and/or off-campus, including membership activity, recruitment and club entertainment. Beyond Her Campus, Dithni works as a mentor for the Global Community at UVIC, where she mentors a team of international students, with academic help and campus life. She has written for the STAR, her highschool newsletter covering topics of student wants and interests. She has interned at KPMG in Sri Lanka. She is currently a sophomore at the University of Victoria, majoring in Economics with a minor in Business. In her free time, Dithni enjoys hanging out with friends and going on walks in busy cosmopolitan streets with a minor liking to window shopping and sometimes actual shopping. She’s a true detective at heart and has a passion for shows like Criminal Minds and the Mentalist.