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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Vic chapter.


Like many of my readers, I have developed a hate-hate relationship with acne. Ever since puberty, I have shared my skin with one or two pimples. After visiting more dermatologists than I can count, I finally came across my current skin doctor. She has been by far the most proactive specialist diagnosing any skin condition I might develop. Because of this, and inspired by her professional guidance, I decided to briefly share with you six of the her most effective recommendations to treat acne.


1. End your relationship with milk

This means no more cheese and no more milk. The only form of lactose she recommends is yogurt – with probiotics. Trust me, once you start seeing and feeling the effects of no lactose in your system, you will not miss eating pizza.


2. Never sleep with your makeup on

I know this is a hard one because of those late nights that make you want to go straight to your bed without even brushing your teeth—don’t worry, we’ve all done it. First, make sure these sort of nights happen at most twice a month. For those nights, I would recommend having makeup removing cleansing wipes in your bedside table, because you must NEVER EVER EVER sleep with your makeup on.



3. Cleanser, toner, serum and moisturizer

These four steps must become essential part of your morning and night routines. First, wash your face with a gentle cleanser (make sure it’s not a cleanser for oily skin, even if you have oily skin). Second, use a toner to hydrate your skin. Third, apply some sort of serum to help rebalance uneven skin tone. Finally, you can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and brighten your skin with a lightweight moisturizer. My dermatologist recommended this brand of products. I have been using Dr. Schwab’s creations for over two years and can testify on the results.


4. Never skip sunscreen

Even when the sun seems to be behind one too many clouds, apply sunscreen! This must be before or after applying a moisturizer (refer to #3). I must note that whenever I apply foundation (which already carries some SPF) I only apply sunscreen on the dark circles under my eyes, because they are especially sensitive to sun exposure.



5. Water (fruits, vegetables, or infusions)

Drink as much water as possible. If you find water boring, have an orange, a cucumber, or any of these recommendations. Also, if you have a hard time remembering to drink water, check out this list of products that have your back on this one; you might find one that suits you.


6. Reduce Gluten

Even when bread and pasta represent 80% of our diets, reducing gluten is possible. Although many of us do not suffer from celiac disease, reducing gluten helps balance our diets and consume a larger variety of foods, instead of relying on bagels. This article lists four easy ways you can reduce your gluten intake.

Notice the different approach to milk and gluten: my dermatologist did not recommend that I cut gluten completely out of my diet, but merely reduce.


Although my skin still breaks out every once in a while, these simple recommendations have proven to be effective and easy to follow. Try them out and let us know in the comments what has helped you control your pimples!

Psychology & Business student. Currently broadening my knowledge on investments, insurance, & education. Aspiring CFA.
Ellen is a fourth year student at the University of Victoria, completing a major in Writing and a minor in Professional Writing: Editing and Publishing. She is currently a Campus Correspondent for the UVic chapter, and spends most of her free time playing Wii Sports and going out for breakfast. She hopes to continue her career in magazine editing after graduation, and finally travel somewhere farther than Disneyworld. You can follow her adventures @ellen.harrison