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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Edited by: Vlada Taits

Studying can sometimes feel impossible, especially when the world is in the middle of a pandemic. Lately, focusing on school work has been a little more challenging than usual for most of us. It isn’t easy to avoid the distractions that surround you when you are stuck at home, and it isn’t easy to concentrate when so much is going on around you and in your mind! Don’t worry though, you can push through! Here are a few tips that will help you study efficiently. 

Start in Advance 

Never wait until the last minute to start studying. Always make sure to start well in advance so that you have enough time to memorize your notes, practice, and take occasional breaks to allow yourself to stay focused and retain more information. Studying just a few days before the exam will lead you to forget a lot –– if not most –– of the information that you are trying to learn. This is because your brain needs a certain amount of time to store information in your long-term memory. Cramming will increase your stress level and will eventually lead you to trade in sleep for more study time, which may hurt your academic performance. In other words, cramming is never a good idea!

Make Clear Notes

If you are a visual learner, it is important that your notes are clean, clear, and neatly organized. I personally like to type my notes instead of handwriting them so that they are cleaner and easier to read. As a visual learner myself, I like to use different font colors to highlight each key concept and I use clustering strategies for improved memory. 

Make a Schedule

Time management is key. As a university student, you must have heard this sentence more than once but it really is true. If you want to be able to clearly remember your lessons and develop deep comprehension of the course material, you must review your notes and practice regularly. Making a schedule will help you plan ahead and sticking to it will help you avoid wasting time. 


Most courses require a lot of practice. Once you have reviewed your notes, start practicing to make sure that you are comfortable with the key course concepts. If your course uses formulas and you are struggling to memorize them, make sure to write them down on a sheet of paper and keep it nearby as you practice. The more you use them, the better you will remember them. 

Sleep Well 

Studies have shown that the lack of sleep leads to poor academic performance. During sleep, your brain commits information to memory. Therefore, it is primordial that you get enough sleep every day for your brain to function well and to absorb the information that you are attempting to memorize. This is exactly why it is important to start studying early. The more nights you sleep between studying, the more likely it is that your brain will create neural connections to the course material and the better you will memorize what you are trying to learn. 

Stay Away From Your Phone

Keeping your phone close to you while studying will prevent you from fully concentrating. It may sound ridiculous but researchers have proven that the mere presence of a smartphone can significantly reduce your cognitive capacity. This means that, even when turned off, the sight of your phone will negatively impact your cognitive processes. In order to overcome distractions while studying, you must put your phone on silent mode and keep it as far away from you as possible. Maybe even put it in a different room!

Snack on Brain Food

Although you may be tempted by all kinds of junk food, make sure to keep yourself healthy and well-fuelled by eating nutritious foods such as nuts, seeds, berries and fish. Nutritious foods like these have been proven to aid concentration and memory! 

Rania is a sophomore at Rotman Commerce, at the University of Toronto, studying commerce with a specialization in Finance and Economics. She co-founded Rotman Commerce Entertainment & Media, and she is currently involved in various student organizations on campus such as Rotman Commerce Women In Business, University of Toronto Females in Finance, UofT Green Association, and more. She is passionate about finance, literature, cinema, and fashion. In her free time, you can catch her writing at a local coffeeshop, nestling in with a good book while listening to her favorite tunes, or hanging out with her friends. Rania also enjoys traveling, volunteering, and learning new languages.