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The Next Big Thing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

Hey, Penn women! We have a question for you: what’s the next big thing? We have a tip—check Houston Hall, near the crepes.

This week, Samsung Galaxy will be at Penn. From April 15th through 18th, individual students and student groups will have the chance to try out Samsung Galaxy devices at Houston Hall. Over the course of those four days, there will be eight challenges in which students can take part. These will include games and comparing your devices to the Galaxy devices on display.

Samsung Galaxy is launching several innovative products, including the Galaxy Note II, Samsung Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note 10.1 and the Galaxy Camera. Check them out in the links, and try them in person throughout the week.

Another good reason to stop by—from 9am to 5pm—would be for the chance to get cool freebies, like small complementary electronics, lip balms or T-shirts. Students with tickets are eligible for $5 Starbucks gift cards, and students with tickets who win the Samsung Galaxy challenges will win $25 Starbucks gift cards.

Furthermore, one student group will have the chance to win $5,000 to donate to the charity of its choice, and $15,000 worth of Samsung products for the school on the group’s behalf! All your group needs to do is participate.

Trying out Samsung’s mobile devices is no-lose. It’s your call.

Former editor-in-chief of Her Campus UPenn