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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

We’ve all been there: the middle of the semester is approaching, and suddenly, you’re bombarded with exams, homework, work, etc. Every week starts to feel the same, and you feel completely unmotivated. You feel yourself slowly slipping into an inevitable slump. While it can feel unavoidable, the “mid–semester slump,” as I call it, can be avoided! Here’s my top five tips to avoid the mid–semester slump:

Do something active

Exercise has been proven to increase endorphins and help alleviate stress! As someone who isn’t the most workout–savvy, I know this can sound intimidating, like you need to go to the gym and have an intense workout everyday. However, that’s not the case at all! 

Doing something active can just mean taking a walk or doing some quick yoga in your room. It’s more about carving out time for yourself, during which you’re not focused on school and are instead doing something beneficial for your health—both mental and physical. Doing fifteen minutes of activity a day will take your mind off of school for a bit and make you feel better.

Go outside

I know this is harder to do now that the weather is getting colder here, but being outside has always been something that makes me feel better. When you’re cooped up in your room or the library working on homework all day, it’s easy to forget how pretty nature really is. So, go outside, take a breather, and watch the sunset—I promise it’ll help clear your mind a bit.

Engage in a hobby

Reading is a hobby I’ve always loved. However, after starting college, it’s been so much harder to make time for reading or really any of my other hobbies. 

However, hobbies are so important because they let us do something we love just for fun! Even though it can be hard, I would try to find a little time in your week to do something you love. Doing something purely for the enjoyment of it all helps you appreciate life a little more, and it’s something we don’t do enough of.

take a nap

No, seriously—take a nap! As much as we like to joke about using naps to avoid homework, sleep is extremely important. When you’re not well–rested, you’re not going to be productive, because neither your mind nor body have had enough time to recuperate. 

Taking a nap can really help give you a needed boost of energy. Mastering the art of an effective power nap is essential to putting your best foot forward during the semester. I’ve always found that a good 15–30 minute rest when I’m stressed can really help me get back into a productive mindset.

spend time with your friends

This is probably my most important tip. I’ve found that being surrounded by people who genuinely make you happy is critical to avoiding any kind of slump. Keep in mind that this doesn’t have to be an elaborate hangout where you go out and plan the entire day together (though it can be!) Simply doing homework with your friends or getting lunch together is a great way to alleviate stress. Life is so much more fun when you get to spend it with the people you love, so make time to see your friends.

Honestly, it all comes down to prioritizing your mental health and making time to do what makes you happy. A slump can make it feel like there’s not much to look forward to, but it’s important to remember that midterm season will pass, and we’ll all make it out! I believe in you all, and I wish you the absolute best—you got this!

Dhatri is a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania who is majoring in Networked and Social Systems Engineering. She's from Michigan, but she's super excited to be spending the next four years in Philly. When she isn't journaling or cooking, you can probably find her somewhere eating ice cream, painting her nails, and listening to Ariana Grande.