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10 Things to Do This Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

I didn’t realize how big this school actually was until the sun came out.  Everyone’s lying on the grass, getting tans and soaking up the beautiful weather. 

I can’t help but think about summer and how close we are to finishing this school year. I always find myself so anxious to finish classes and relax, but once I have all of that free time, I get extremely bored and wish I were back at school. This summer, I am determined to take complete advantage of my free time and avoid the summer haze.

Here are some ways to keep busy over these next few months:

  • Exercise and get a hot bod to show off during NSO
  • Travel! Take advantage of the summer programs Penn and other universities have to offer.
  • Similarly, visit friends! We are so lucky to go to such an international school, so take advantage of it and visit friends who live across the country or even across the world.
  • Go on a road trip.
  • Get a summer job—make enough money so you can go to all the downtowns you want next year.
  • Visit museums or art galleries. It’s a good way to get out of the heat and even learn something new over the summer!
  •  Ever wanted to get scuba certified? Maybe it’s time to pick up a new hobby!
  • Go camping—really enjoy the outdoors and the amazing weather before we get hit by one of Sandy’s relatives.

HC readers: What are your plans for the summer?