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You Should Totally add Rosewater to your Beauty Routine — Here’s Why

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Following a skincare routine does wonders for your skin, keeping it healthy and glowing. It doesn’t have to be hard; you can find products for pretty much any skin type — dry, oily, sensitive or acne –- at the local drugstore. Some products, however, contain chemicals that damage the skin. That’s why smart shoppers do their research beforespending money. Looking for an all-natural beauty product that’s totally worth buying? Rosewater can be used for any skin type and it is dermatologist-approved!

When selecting a rosewater product, go for one that’s 100% pure. An easy giveaway that a product isn’t pure is that it’s pink. Pure rosewater, as opposed to pink, should actually be transparent in color. 

Rosewater has been shown to improve skin tone and reduce redness. In fact, this product is highly recommended for people suffering from eczema or rosacea because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It can also be used on your hair to treat scalp irritation and reduce dandruff. Rosewater has many other advantages, such as hydration, skin cell enhancement and skin tissue regeneration. One warning: the fragrance of rosewater is intense, but not without benefit: the scent of rose can help reduce symptoms of distress and facilitate mental well-being. Spraying some on your pillow can help you to sleep well after a long day.

So, after you buy it… how do you use it? You have a few options. You can mix coconut oil with rosewater to make the perfect makeup remover that hydrates the skin while cleaning it. Another way to use rosewater is to mix a small amount of it into your moisturizer. You can also use it to treat dark circles by applying it beneath your eyes with a cotton ball.

Want to achieve beautiful skin? Affordable and natural — this is why rosewater should be added to everyone’s daily routine.


Just your average criminology major, who enjoys watching Supernatural, The Boys and occasionally catching a hockey game. Probably off somewhere writing a novel!