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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Remember in December, when we all got excited to watch the first snowfall? Well, three months have gone by and the snow just isn’t quite as exciting anymore. Everyone is bound to experience the February blues this semester. So, if your energy and spirits are dragging you down, here’s a survival guide to get you through the month:

Be Social

Even when you really don’t feel like it, being social is a great mood booster. This doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to go to the bar at midnight on Friday when it’s twenty below, but just getting together with some friends will help boost your spirits. Plan a study date, a girls’ night in or head to your closest movie theatre – it doesn’t have to be anything big, just get out of the house! 

Take Control

This one is about self-awareness and knowing when you may be slipping into the blues. It may seem simple, but it’s a lot harder than it seems. As hard as it can be, it’s critical to stay on top of your commitments and due dates. Be proactive about the things on your to-do list, you’ll thank yourself in the end.

Set a Goal

This is a great way to stay on-track and motivated. If you’re feeling low, make a list of goals for the week or the month. Make a list of attainable, positive goals to help keep you on track this month. There’s no better feeling than crossing something off your to-do list!

Stay Active

I realize the last thing you probably want to do is drag yourself to the gym when it’s -20 outside, but the benefits are worth it. During the winter months, your serotonin levels drop and exercising is a great way to boost those levels.

Fuel Your Body

Another great way to boost your serotonin is through your diet. Your body functions better when you fuel is with nutrient rich food. Keep in mind, vitamins and greens will also boost your brain function! Of course, there will be days where all you want is comfort food and that’s cool too. It’s all about balance, right?

Be Thankful

The best way to cheer yourself up is to think of all the great things going on in your life right now. Take a moment to reflect and be thankful for your support system. Take the opportunity to write a letter or send a card to your friends. Writing a note of thanks will inspire you and you’ll also make someone’s day – it’s a win, win!

Take Some Time For Yourself

Last, but certainly not least, make sure you set some time aside to take care of yourself. It’s important to make yourself a priority, even when you’re swamped with school or work. Take this month to live slower, enjoy your own company and catch up on some much needed sleep. Spend more time smiling and laughing – you know what they say, laughter is the best medicine!


February days are the shortest, coldest, and darkest days of the year. But hang in there, sunnier days are in store! Wishing you lots of happy February days.