(Season two spoilers)
I am a huge fan of the Squid Game series. Initially, the first season didn’t seem like something to enjoy, but by the end, it left me eagerly anticipating the second season. Now that it is here I am excited to share my thoughts.
I must admit the first two episodes of the second season were incredibly boring and arguably unnecessary. In my opinion, those episodes would have been better combined into one. They felt like they dragged on and lost my attention. I was very confused by what was happening and It made me begin to series doubt the quality of the second season. The first season set incredibly high expectations for me so I was nervous to see if the second season would live up to them!
While the first two episodes are a flop in my opinion, the rest of the season made up for the lengthy beginning. Once the games began, the series picked up and immersed me just like the first season. To my surprise, the games were different. I had thought they would be the same after seeing red light green light again but I was pleasantly proven wrong. The games that were used were new to me and very interesting to see played. I feel that they fit the series well. I do wish we would have seen maybe one more game in the season since I felt like that was where most of the action was.
In addition to the games, the characters were well-developed and I found myself connecting to many of them just like in the first season. Hearing their stories intensified the emotion in this series which enhanced it overall. This season had me more on edge than the first one since I had absolutely no guesses as to how it would end. It is safe to say that I had become emotionally invested in many of the characters which kept me at the edge of my seat for the entire series.
The last episode of this series is where all the drama truly is. This finale left my jaw on the floor! It is the perfect collision of season 1 and 2. It was not until this episode where I finally connected the dots and realized that the front man from season 1 is player 001 in this round of the games! Had I made this connection sooner it would have entirely changed my predictions for this season. I think this plot was an excellent decision and I am eager to watch it all play out!
Overall, the latest season met expectations, though I do wish it had been longer. Given the time between the first and second seasons, I was hoping for more content. It left me with so many questions, and I feel like the season didn’t provide enough information. An additional episode would have been great. That said, I’m eagerly awaiting season 3! The twists and turns in this series are addictive, and with each season, it just keeps getting better. While there were aspects of this season I didn’t love, I’d still rate it a solid 4.5/5 stars. I must admit, I still prefer the first season, but season two didn’t disappoint. I have high expectations for the next season—I can’t wait years for answers!