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The Social Media Makeover

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Are you addicted to your phone?
Love posting pics?
Are you constantly refreshing your feed?
You’d probably consider yourself pretty savvy social media user, am I right?

Well it’s time to rid yourself of all your bad habits for 2016. Obviously, you’ve cleaned out your closet, bought new school supplies and made sure your makeup bag is fully stocked in order to make the best first impression for the second semester. So why not do something about your social media accounts?

Now it’s time to creep yourself and find out how to spot the “uh ohs” in your previous posts!

Guy Paquette, Director of Digital Strategy at Cliffhanger Communications believes that social media searches for hiring purposes are even broader than before. Not only do employers want to see what you post, but who your friends are, what they post, and what they are saying about you.

If you appear critical of your teachers on social media, you’ll probably appear critical of your bosses and if you’re critical of your friends, you’ll most likely be critical of your future peers. Employers tend to avoid hiring these types of applicants in order to avoid potential workplace conflicts.

So, when going to an interview, think about what your future employer has already found out about you.

Your antics on your spring break trip to Cancun? #its5oclocksomewhere; Your “I heart Harry Styles” cover photo?

Chances are, they’ve creeped you!

In person, employers are looking for a mirror image of what they have already seen. And so are people in real life! Maintaining consistency between your real, and online self is key.

Whether it’s looking to impress your future boss or being cautious about your online appearance, cleaning up your social media act is a great way to project a better and more honest you! So what does your social media imprint say about you?

Here’s a checklist of things you may have overlooked:

1. Creep through your own likes/pictures/About section on Facebook. Did you…

  • Put FBGM as one of your hobbies?
  • Like the “Alcohol” page?
  • Write a lengthy complaint about your last job experience after you quit?
  • Double-check what you are tagged in? (Does it look like this?)

Facebook even has a feature where you can see what your profile looks like to an outsider. Click your profile and then “View As” below your cover photo on the right hand side. Like what you see?

2. Own up to your Instagram:

  • Did you spell your captions correctly?
  • Is the rap lyric you used for your caption offensive?
  • Is everything you’re doing actually legal? (Pro tip: If your bio says you’re 18 and you’re drinking in Ottawa, that’s illegal.)
  • What’s in your hand? You can tell your mom it’s water but your employers know the difference (trust me).

And calling in sick to work after posting a cute pic of you and your squad at the club? Definitely a no. Just because the lighting is good doesn’t mean it’s actually prime selfie time. If you’re questioning any photo you’ve taken, just don’t post it.

3. You are what you Tweet:
Imagine, would you say that to someone’s face? To your grandma? Perhaps, to your boss?
In 140 characters or less, use Twitter to say something positive and clever! And delete a few of those risqué ones.

And last but not least!

4. Privacy PSA: You don’t have to make all your accounts public, and it doesn’t hurt to have more than one!
It’s the same idea as having a professional work email! Your third grade alter ego as bunnylover77 may not be what you’d like to add to the resume. Social media has tons of advantages, but it’s also good to remember to take a second and rethink why you’re actually posting something and who will actually see it.
Is this actually the “real you”?


Guy Paquette
Cliff Hanger Communications Ltd.
13 Desjardins Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1N 5N8
Skype 315-215-1292 / us@cliffhangercommunications.com
www.cliffhangercommunications.com / @CliffHangerComm

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