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My Supplement Pantry: Late Cold and Flu / Exam Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

During times of stress and long hauling winters (c’mon Ottawa, it’s the end of March and I’m still wearing my winter coat?) our immune system gets kicked in all sorts of ways. We are staying up all hours of the night trying to cram for that upcoming exam or finishing the essay you knew about two weeks ago but still left until the last minute. We are stressed, overwhelmed and probably not our best selves. We snack and don’t hydrate properly which leads to a very weakened immune system.

Take a look at the supplements that I keep in my pantry and take on a daily basis to kick those colds! These are a few easy fixes to keep your mind in order to keep your body and digestive system in check.

Vitamin D

During the winter, we don’t get the amount of sun we all need. Winters are especially cruel in Ottawa, causing us to lose precious vitamin D. This weakens our immune system and creates symptoms of stress, tiredness and weakened energy. Taking a daily vitamin D supplement will not only raise your immune system but has plenty of benefits including maintaining healthy bones, reducing the risk of flu and putting you in a happier mood.


The exam and midterm stress can really take a toll on your mood and emotions. You might find yourself at your wits end and, because of that, you might not be able to focus and your work ethic decreases. Stress can manifest itself in many ways and, if you let it get too overwhelming, it can affect you for a prolonged period of time. Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is your body’s primary neurotransmitter and allows for a calming of the nervous system. Taking care of your body includes taking care of your brain too.


Elderberry Syrup

Ah, my true joy: Elderberry Syrup. Elderberries are one of the best things that you can take to naturally build your immune system from serious coughs and colds. It’s the one thing that I rely on to build my immune system so that I don’t get colds and to help with those annoying coughs that will not go away. We all know that we don’t want to be THAT person who’s constantly sniffling in the lecture hall.


Taking a daily probiotic not only supports your gut health but also creates an overall sense of well-being. Your gut health controls a lot of your body’s other functions including your immune system. The gut is known as your “second brain” so it is just as important as your brain and whole body to nourish. Taking probiotics has other benefits such as decreasing bloating, increasing digestion, and preventing colds and flus!


Sources: Cover