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mountains at dusk
mountains at dusk
Original photo by Océane Renoud

Making the Most of the Winter Weather!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

In my previous article “November Sadness – What is it?“, I discussed the weather-related blues that may come with colder, drearier weather (especially in November). Now, with the arrival of ice, snow and chilly winds, winter is making its grand entrance. While some may revel in the chilly, snowy weather of winter, others (like me), may be feeling overwhelmed from the sudden shift outside. Despite this, you shouldn’t let the winter weather get you down! Here are a few tips on how to make the most of the winter weather!

stock up on cozy sweaters

With winter comes cold, icy weather. So, take the time to stock up on or bring out your favourite cozy sweaters and other warm accessories (if you haven’t already)! There’s nothing quite like being bundled up in a cozy sweater while enjoying the beautiful snowy weather outside! Now is a perfect time to stock up on fleeces, wool sweaters — you name it!

Enjoy the great outdoors

Now that you’re prepared to face the cold with warmer outfits, there’s no better time to face the great outdoors and everything they have to offer. Depending on where you live, there are many different attractions and activities. Winter has so many wonderful activities to offer like long snowy walks, skating, and skiing. Make sure to get out there and try them out!

enjoy lots of hot drinks

If you haven’t had any already, make sure to enjoy some tasty hot drinks. Tea, hot chocolate, festive coffees? Whatever floats your boat! A hot drink can be incredibly soothing in the winter, and there are so many to enjoy with the countless options that are available in stores and restaurants.

pick up a Cool new hobby

Lastly, with all the free time you might have over the winter break, there’s no better time to pick a new hobby! Knitting, drawing, writing… there are so many fun options out there! Picking up a new hobby is an effective way to combat boredom and even stress by focusing your attention on something you have an interest in. While it may be a bit of trial and error to find the best hobby for you, there are so many amazing hobbies out there — you’re bound to find one!

Maddie Bhamjee

U Ottawa '25

Hi, my name is Madeleine or Maddie!! I am a first-year student pursuing a double major in political science and philosophy. You'll find me writing!