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Kissing Frogs and Other Things You Should Do in Your 20’s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Our 20’s are a time in our lives when we fill our schedules with work, school, and friends. While trying to figure out where exactly we fit in these years can be full of stresses, both good and bad. Maybe you’re still in school in your mid-twenties, or you could be making your debut into the working world. Either way, our 20’s are a time where we should be thinking about ourselves. You might say this sounds selfish, but hey, if we don’t take the time when we’re young to think about things that will become of utmost importance in the future, it could be detrimental. 

Some of the things I’m about to list are more significant when it comes to health, the mind and body, and others are more related to our futures and being smart about preparing for them. Get your pad and papers ready collegiettes, you should take notes: 

Learn how to network:

We’ve all heard the saying, “it’s who you know” when it comes to landing that perfect job right out of school. A good way to be on the road to your dream job is networking. Create a LinkedIn profile to begin your professional persona and from there research networking events where future employers could be attending. Even if you go to an association’s event, introduce yourself and have good conversation with someone, that someone can know someone else who can get you a job when you graduate. You’re not only getting your name out there but by presenting yourself well at a networking event, it shows your interest and will bid well for you in the future. 

Learn how to make a budget:

This sounds like a super adult thing to do, but we’re in our 20’s and I think we’re well on our way to adult hood, if not already there! Make it easy for yourself and create a budget. Your budget can include a monthly breakdown, which assesses how much you can spend on certain things, whether they are necessities or any disposable income can be spent on them. Your budget can include monthly expenses such as groceries and maybe a few textbooks for the month of January. This can help to establish how much you’re spending where and where the cash you just took out from the bank has disappeared to. Creating a budget can also help you cut back and become more aware of where your money is going. Saving money is more difficult for some than others, but by making a budget, it gives some structure to an otherwise overwhelming task. 

Find a good facial/eye cream:

You may question why finding a facial lotion and eye cream are something you should do in your 20s, well let me tell you that you won’t regret it when you don’t see those crow’s feet around your eyes or the early on-set bags in your 30s! Reduce your chances of gravity taking it’s toll,  and find the best suited lotions for you. Whether you’re already worried about wrinkles, want to reduce the darkness under your eyes, or just being precautious, seek out these creams! I recommend Sephora as they can help you sort through the various quality brands and pick which works best for your skin type. I also found this website that suggests multiple beauty products for females in their 20’s. 

Remember to add extra protection, look for beauty products that have SPF in them. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, “over the past three decades, more people have had skin cancer in the course of a lifetime.” What a scary and jolting fact! Hidden rays can still affect your skin even when you don’t think they will. Having SPF in your foundation or facial lotions makes it easy to include in your everyday routine as well as put your mind at east that these staggering statistics won’t include you.


Be able to do (at least) 10 pushups:

Being able to do at least 10 pushups with good form is not only a good party trick, but is also good for your health. Pushups are a great all encompassing workout tool as they target major muscles and build strong, lean muscles all over your body. Pushups are a hybrid between weight training and cardio, meaning that you’re using your own body weight to increase your heart rate, ultimately increasing your metabolism thus burning more calories, as well as forming toned muscles. Other benefits of doing pushups as a basic workout tool are that it’s free and you can do them basically anywhere, all you need is some motivation!

Read books you said you were going to:

Have you ever picked up a book and thought I’m going to buy this today and start reading it this afternoon! Then you get home and old episodes of Saved by the Bell are on and somehow you fall asleep on the couch? Yeah, me neither… But regardless, pick up those books you said you were going to read for whatever reason, make a cup of tea and read them. Reading is such a great alternative in your downtime and can improve your brain health in the long run. Reading a good book can help to improve your sleep, as well as reduce stress levels. So get lost in a book collegiettes, it’s good for you!

Kiss some frogs:

But not too many! My Grandma once told me that you have to kiss a few frogs before you find your prince, and all I can say is that she’s pretty accurate. I’m not recommending to kiss just anyone, be selective and know your worth. I’m also not saying that a random make out will kill anyone, but just know that sometimes it takes a little while to find that “Mr. Right.” While you’re waiting to find him, have some fun!


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I'm a third year Honours Public Relations student at the University of Ottawa and am originally from Leamington, Ontario. I like to read, stay fit and spend time with family & friends!