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How to be a Real Person

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Whenever I go anywhere for more than a few days, before I leave my mom always looks at me in the eye and says with a knowing smile, “call me if you need anything”, to which I usually shrug off with a “yeah sure” because I, at all times, know what I’m doing.

As I have learned the hard way, my parents know everything and they are the first people I call in an adulting crisis. According to Urban Dictionary, “adulting” is a verb describing the act “to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups.” Becoming a real person takes time, effort and maturity. But don’t worry, if you don’t have any of those attributes, you can always call mom.

Here are 7 times we needed parents:

1. “I once totally forgot how to make an egg salad sandwich. I couldn’t figure out why my egg wasn’t cooking the right way. Then I called my mom and realized you’re actually supposed to boil the egg and not crack the egg into the pot.”

2. “In first year, I called home to ask how to change a lightbulb, and how to clean (because I no longer had a cleaning lady). Every time I attempted to cook something new I had to FaceTime my mom to walk me through it.”

3. “When I first got to university, I literally had to ask how to boil water and never knew whether you were supposed to put stuff in before or after the water boiled.”

4. “I once called my mom to talk me down from having a panic attack about doing an assignment last minute back in first year. Lesson learned: deep breaths and start earlier! I also still sometimes message my mom and ask her what outfit I should buy at the mall, etc. She’s always so supportive and willing to listen, regardless how big or small my woes.”

5. “I call my mom every time I cook chicken to ask how hot the oven has to be.”

6. “I called my dad when I overflowed the toilet and he coached me for 30 minutes on how to plunge the toilet.”

7. “Once I called my mom because I almost got run over by a Tesla and I was PISSED because if I let it hit me, they could have totally paid for my schooling.”

Adulting is hard. Just take it one day at a time!


Sources: Cover Photo
