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Exercise 101: When Old Man Winter Keeps You In

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

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For once you wake up feeling motivated; nothing can stop you. You complete your morning routine feeling like a million bucks, ready to rock, and then bam! The party pooper arrives: Old Man Winter. This cold-hearted bummer can be a pain, but don’t let him stop you from doing what you love. And on these frigid winter-like days, when the gym doesn’t seem like such a great idea since its too far and too cold outside, I have the perfect solution for you: don’t go!

That’s right, don’t go. Stay at home and exercise instead! Here are 4 great equipment-free exercises you can do in your own living room: 


 Lie face down on your stomach with arms and legs extended. Keeping your arms and legs straight, lift  your arms and legs up toward the ceiling to form a “U” shape with your body. Hold this position for 2 to 5 seconds and lower back down. This exercise works out your lower back and maintains flexibility.

Squat Jumps: 

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at the sides.

Start by doing a squat. Then jump up as high as you can with your arms up reaching for the ceiling. When you land, lower your body back into a squat. This will work out your butt, hips, thighs and legs. Giving your booty that extra oomph you always wanted.


Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows out to the sides. Tilt your chin slightly, with a few inches of space between your chin and your chest. Pull your abdominals inward. Curl up and forward so that your head, neck, and shoulder blades lift off the floor. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly lower back down. This will strengthen your abs and your core muscles which will improve your posture.

Elbow Planks: 

Get face down on the floor resting on your forearms and knees. Push off the floor, raising up off your knees onto your toes, resting mostly on your elbows. Picture your body as a long straight board. Hold as long as you can. Aim for 20-30 seconds in the beginning and work your way up to one minute, as you get stronger. This exercise will work out your arms, abs and back. This will improve you stability, core and strength.

And there you have it. Four easy workouts that you can do at home and achieve the same great results you want. Don’t let Old Man Winter keep you from staying in shape: show him who’s boss! Just think about how great you’re going to look in that holiday dress you bought!


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