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Eat Nothing, Taste Everything!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

The countdown is on until the moment that we walk into our homes; filled with family and scents of Thanksgiving favourites roaming through the air. It can be overwhelming as a ‘starving student’ to go from making your own meals to being served Thanksgiving dinner. There’s going to be so many choices this weekend at Thanksgiving gatherings. Although we all should be thankful for the family time and food, you don’t need to over indulge. That’s right ladies, put away your eating pants and get ready for a guilt free Thanksgiving!

In reality, what you consume is up to you, no one is force-feeding you that turkey! My motto is to go into the weekend knowing that there will be temptation, but to realize that it’s mind over matter. You don’t need that second helping, so take twenty seconds before you dig into the stuffing to ask yourself if you’re actually still hungry? Or do you want to eat it just because it’s sitting in front of you? Chances are the answer is b.

Thanksgiving festivities can easily fill up your whole weekend, so don’t forget to take some time for yourself and get moving! A majority of the weekend is about friends, family and catching up over the big meals. Chatting over dinner isn’t the only way to spend quality time with those you are thankful for. Opt to go for a walk and enjoy the beautiful fall coloured leaves! Go to your local apple orchard and walk through to find your favourite apples! If you’re feeling ambitious, grab those pumpkins you will be carving soon and use them as weights while doing squats or v-sits. I love doing outdoor acivities, so another option is to squeeze one last bike ride in before it gets too cold. If all else fails, step up your game and go to the gym. I recommend Tone It Up workouts, they’re short and effective and you will guarenteed feel fabulous after. Doing any type of physical activity will make you less likely to indulge, because you don’t want to undo your workout. You’ll be more conscious of what you’re eating, and how much.

If you’re anything like me and generally have a hard time saying no to sweets, your will power is really going to be working over time on the weekend. Instead of having that big slice of pumpkin pie with whip cream, go for a slither. Better yet, ask to serve your own desert plate, that way you can decide how big or small of a piece you’d like. This isn’t the time to say no completely. If you deprive yourself now, you’ll find yourself peeling off the saran wrap at 12 am, eating three times the slice you would’ve had after dinner. Once you’ve made the good decision to have a couple bites of the decadent desert of your choice, keep yourself busy and steep some decaf tea. This will make you feel occupied and less likely to go to the desert table for round two.

If you follow these tips, you should feel well prepared to head home for Thanksgiving. Just try not to indulge in everything, have discipline! Be thankful for your family and will power, and remember, eat nothing, taste everything! 

I'm a third year Honours Public Relations student at the University of Ottawa and am originally from Leamington, Ontario. I like to read, stay fit and spend time with family & friends!