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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

It’s been a month since the Beirut explosion destroyed many families and their homes, their sense of security and their hope. I remember scrolling through my Instagram feed and seeing the images of the massive explosion. My heart must have been beating 200 times a minute just looking at it. Knowing that the country your parents grew up in is being ruined, adding to the realization that many families lost their source of income, is a very painful feeling. 

As we’ve seen in the news, Beirut has a long way to go in recovering from this crisis – not to mention the number of coronavirus cases which is, unfortunately, increasing with each passing day. This challenging time has caused homelessness for many families and individuals as a result of this explosion, and the country is fighting for relief. While it’s always important to unite and help those who are in need, Beirut is experiencing a particular hardship and grief. 

Here in Canada, it may seem like there isn’t any way for us to help. But supporting the people of Lebanon is easier than you think!

iPhone showing instagram on a table with a plant next to it
Photo by Alex Bracken from Unsplash

Check out these Instagram pages to learn how you can help Lebanon in this crisis. 









Just your average criminology major, who enjoys watching Supernatural, The Boys and occasionally catching a hockey game. Probably off somewhere writing a novel!