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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

If I had a dollar for every comment I’ve heard or seen about how people are too sensitive these days, I’d have enough money to buy myself an isolated hut on some island where I can block out all that nonsense.

If you think this generation is too sensitive, I’d appreciate if you could please explain to me why you think dehumanizing those around you is okay. Emotions go hand in hand with being human and feeling nothing at all is still a feeling. Contrary to popular belief, it’s healthy to feel things. Just because you’re baffled as to why those around you don’t feel the same as you doesn’t make it okay for you to treat them as something less than human. I can’t stress the subjectivity of our life experiences enough. For some, happiness dances on their palms and anger burns in their chest while for others anger might lay dormant dully on their eyelids, watching happiness sparkle softly on their lips. We experience the same emotions, but in such different and special ways and it’s truly enticing.

When it comes to these subjective experiences we have, it proves to be difficult to be able to understand the individual differences that varies between each of us. This is why we should try to the best of our abilities to reserve our judgment. Even when we face similar experiences, the reactions we’ll have to them and the way they affect us internally and externally will always be different. Happiness isn’t just one set emotion; after all, there are levels to it just as there is with any other. 

Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but don’t justify ignorance when it comes to this idea. An opinion is something that is not necessarily based on fact, and therefore not something that makes denying the humanity of another okay. It’s fine to prefer tea over coffee or to like or dislike a certain artist, but it’s silly to use that justify unethical actions. You wouldn’t force someone to like tea just because you like it, so why enforce any other view/belief/opinion on another? Respect yourself and respect others.

Before you go calling someone or something “dumb” for doing things you wouldn’t personally take part in, try to understand what might be causing them to do it. Educate yourself, rethink your values, continuously and constantly rebuild yourself. Nobody’s perfect; we’re always changing inside and out and change is okay.

This article isn’t really pertaining to any one specific event or another, but the general idea I want to get across is to let people take part in what they believe in or choose to do so long as its within certain limits (taking into account safety, legalities, etc.). Let people be themselves. Let people feel. Being sensitive isn’t a bad thing, and being conservative of your emotions isn’t a bad thing either. Respect yourself and respect others. We’re all human.


Source: Cover Photo


Editor’s Note: This article reflects the views of the author. 


21 | uOttawa | Psychology Major/English Minor Lover of nature & art!!!