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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


Like most college kids, I don’t have much (if any) time during the semester to watch TV. A stark comparison to high school, I often feel a bit out of the loop with pop culture, especially as finals near. With pop culture shocks such as Ryan Gosling becoming a baby-daddy and the really disappointing list of summer “block busters”, it’s time to dive in and find salvation in the best kind of summer fling – a new TV show! But, with the long list of shows on Netflix, HBO Go, and Hulu, what should you watch? Here, I will try to give you a springboard to your summer veg sessions. Whether you are a House of Cards girl or bound for Sex and the City, the Internet and I have you covered. Here are just a few things to try on for size…


Looking for a Quickie? Try New Girl

This is a great show for someone who doesn’t have time for long-term commitment to a show and just wants to have a few laughs here and there. A show about a girl (Zooey Deschanel) who moves into an apartment with four guys because her longtime boyfriend cheated on her, New Girl viewers are always in for some shenanigans. Quirky and fun, it will be the funniest 23 minutes of your day!


Feeling Nostalgic? Try Once Upon a Time

An ABC drama, this show features characters from your favorite fairy tales as a kid. The story kicks off with Emma Swan, a bail bondsperson, returning her son, Henry, to his adoptive mother in the seemingly ordinary town of Storybrooke. The residents of the town Storybrooke, however, are not ordinary. They are actually all fairy tale characters who were transported to the “real world” and with their memories of the past wiped and changed due to a powerful curse from the Evil Queen (Henry’s Step-mom). Henry is the only resident with suspicions about this and enlists his birth mother Emma to help him restore the memories of the townspeople.  This show is equal parts drama, fantasy, and fun!


Searching for Suspense? Try House of Cards

I’ll just go out and say it: this show is addicting. Set in DC, this Netflix-only show is about a Congressman, Frank Underwood, and his exploits and ploys for power. House of Cards gives insight into the inner workings of the political scene, illustrating its complexities. You’ll find yourself wanting to marathon this entire show, even though most of the characters aren’t people you would want to be friends with in real life. Pre-law, polisci, and journalism students might especially like this!


Need an Adventure? Try Doctor Who

One of the longest running shows ever, Doctor Who is a cult classic British Sci-Fi show. The protagonist of the show is a time-traveling humanoid alien called the Doctor who takes it upon himself to keep the universe in order and out of trouble. Filled with classic British wit, the show also contains more serious moments that can bring about a tear in even the more solemn types. This show will require more of a time commitment though, as it has been on for over 50 years and the reboot (and most popular) segment of the show is already seven seasons long.


Seeking a Scare? Try American Horror Story

This show is certainly not for everyone, as it definitely makes you want to curl up in a blanket with your feet up, you know, just in case there are monsters under your couch that could grab your feet. An anthology series, each season has a different storyline but has a similar cast. Because of this, you don’t have to watch all the seasons or watch them in order!


Have any other suggestions? Leave them in the comments below!




Photos courtesy of GlobalPost, Tv Rage, Netflix, BBC America, and Penn State respectively.

Annie has been a writer since she first laid her hands on her grandmother's type writer. Since then, she has adapted to computers and arguably has better grammar. When she figures out what twitter is, you can tweet her here https://twitter.com/MissAnnieMc .