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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Dear incoming freshmen,

As a senior, I’ve begun to become a bit nostalgic about my time at U of M. Looking back to when I was touring colleges, I remember the uncertainty mixed with anticipation and excitement that every one of us felt. We all were huddled together in tour groups being told facts that really didn’t mean much to most of us, while we dreamed of football tailgates, all you can eat dining hall food (avoid), and basically doing whatever we wanted with our future freedom.

The one thing you incoming freshmen can’t lose sight of is the importance of the decision you’re all about to make. Where you decide to go to college is critical. You have to take into account all factors of the experience: academics, sports, size, geographic location, cost, available clubs/opportunities… etc etc. You can’t get swayed by all the flashing lights that every admissions committee puts on during your tour group.

Obviously you are being led by some of the most well-prepared Wolverines that Michigan has to offer, so you’re going to have a great time. But if at all possible, you should try and arrange an overnight visit some other time. Michigan has an ambassador program that allows you to have a more personal experience of student life by being hosted by students themselves. You can and should visit classes (be sure to go to large lectures and smaller classes) to make sure that you are compatible with the learning environment, eat at dining halls to make sure the food won’t poison you the first time you try it, and visit other schools to compare everything.


As a senior, I sometimes look at the tour groups staring in awe at the Diag and of the university (as well they should be), but it’s also important to critically look at Michigan to be sure it’s right for you. Having had friends that have made alternative decisions once being at Michigan, I know that it’s not the right fit for everyone, so making that distinction as early as possible is important.

This all may sound discouraging so I just want to be clear: I LOVE U OF M. After four years, I can say I truly will bleed blue for the rest of my life and I couldn’t be more thankful of my time here. I just think it’s also important to look at every option before making such a huge decision. So go on a tour, take some time, and I know you’ll realize that you belong at Michigan.


Photos courtesy of homeandawaywithlisa.com, and studentlife.umich.edu. 
Senior studying Cellular and Molecular Biology. In my free time I'm a part of the club Michigan Triathlon Team where I train for various triathlons and marathons/half marathons.