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A Letter From My Future Self

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


Hey You,

     It’s me. I’m not going to tell you where I am or where I’ve been, because I think that’s cheating the game of life, you know? Anyway, you’re starting your last year of undergrad and it’s just a little bit scary. You’ve never been a planner, (you’re still not, by the way), but all of a sudden not having a plan is freaking you out. You went to high school, like you were supposed to, and then went to college, like you were supposed to, but now what? You’ve had a few years to do stupid stuff with your friends that will live forever through pictures on Facebook and to learn some things that are supposed to help you succeed with the rest of your life. The problem is, these wonderful years of undergrad merriment are coming to a close all too quickly and you’re still not so sure about that whole “rest of your life” part.

     People keep telling you that it’s hard to find a job. That a Bachelor’s Degree is the new High School Diploma. That your major doesn’t match up with what you think you might want to do. Stop listening. Seriously, stop. Even though it might seem like it, your undergraduate experience isn’t about what’s printed on a piece of paper once you’ve graduated. Graduating is also not the end of your social life (contrary to popular belief, you still get to have friends, late night grilled cheese, and alcohol after you graduate). You’ve discovered a lot about yourself – what you like and dislike about you, others, and the world, along with some ideas (not everything) about what you do and don’t want out of life. This is what’s important. College has given you a lot of the skills you’ll need to get where you want to be, even though you may not know exactly where it is right now. It’s taken a couple mistakes, a few “wrong” turns, but you’ll get here. I promise.

     So yes, you might start to question your past decisions, think you should have chosen a different major or participated in different things on campus, but just know that you’re on a good path. There isn’t just one, single way to go from here. There are actually a ton of different ways and there always will be. There’s never a point when you can’t change your path and become who you want to be once you figure out who exactly that is more completely, which you will. So, don’t worry. It’s okay. You’ll get here. Also, tell your friends not to be scared about graduating and “growing up” either, because they’re here with me, too (and we’ve promised each other we’ll never completely “grow up”).


Your Future Self


PS: Bathroom humor is still funny and Kraft Mac & Cheese is still your favorite. Also, Halloween this year was a blast…get ready.