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How to Avoid Hitting a Wall While Studying

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

As finals season approaches, we will (hopefully) be studying a lot. In order to study effectively, it’s important to not hit that dreaded wall. The wall comes when you simply feel like you can’t study anymore. Suddenly, it’s been three hours and you’ve accomplished nothing. Here are some tips to avoid this situation.

1. Take breaks

I cannot stress the importance of taking breaks enough. Trying to study for hours on end without taking breaks is doomed for failure. You’ll want to be careful with these breaks, however. Designate a time limit and stick to it, otherwise these breaks will go on forever.

2. Find your study place

This tip is going to vary for everyone, but I would suggest finding the study place where you are most effective. If you know that you won’t be productive if you stay home and attempt to study, then leave and go somewhere else instead of even attempting it. It may also be a good idea to vary your study spots so you can continue to be effective.

3. Study with friends

This tip will not work for everyone, so you definitely need to consider whether or not studying in groups is effective for you. However, if you are able to, studying in groups helps the content to not be as boring as if you were studying alone. This is also a good way to make sure you haven’t missed anything in the class, since someone else probably understands or heard what you didn’t.

Image courtesy of Michigan Unions


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Em M

U Mich

Em is a senior at the University of Michigan, studying English and Psychology. Go Blue!