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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


#MeToo. A statement that is both liberating and horrifying. A movement that has captivated our nation in uniting those who previously suffered in silence. I look at those who have publicly announced their own stories and admire their ability to be vulnerable to thousands of people. I personally relate, and have grappled with my own connection to #MeToo. Each story is unique, but I often felt that my own admittance would just be contributing to an overdone conversation, one overlooked almost as much as the latest Trump criticism. However, I found sanctity in the plethora of #MeToo stories, finally feeling able to contribute my own words on the matter.

    Finding ones place regarding this movement is certainly not straightforward. The jarring headlines may conjure up memories of that man in the bar, or that bully in grade school. It takes true courage to be able to admit to yourself and others that you have a place among these women. Regarding my own story, I personally felt at fault for what happened to me. I felt like I would be disrespecting victims who suffered worse circumstances. But I am here to say that I could not more wrong. I have learned that #MeToo is meant to unite those who have suffered in silence. It is meant to call attention to the countless numbers of perpetrators who walk away carefree. Every person, male or female, has a right and a responsibility to shed light on how normalized sexual assault has become in our society. There is so much comfort in knowing that you aren’t alone. 

    It took a few people to urge me to seek professional help; had I not, I wouldn’t be standing where I am today. The growing #MeToo community is also a place in which we can start the conversation about what to do next. It is not simply a forum used to share our horror stories; it is a place in which we find refuge, a place to connect, and a place to heal. I write today to reach someone who might be alone in the chaos, but I also write for myself. I am no longer silenced because I too have found a voice to say #MeToo. 


Images Courtesy of: The Lily, The Christian Chronicle