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8 Signs You and Your Roommate Are Too Close

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Sharing a room with someone can either be a massive success or a disappointing failure. Here’s the kicker though, if you and your roommate become a room-sharing success story, this means that you’ve probably become far too close in the process. BEWARE. Here are 8 signs that you and your roommate have lost all boundaries…

  1. You are 100% comfortable with your roommate walking around the room half naked. Whether they are half naked before or after they shower, or just if they don’t feel like putting clothes on. You have no qualms with their lack of clothing because you do the exact same thing to them on a day-to-day basis.  

  2. You share basically everything with each other. Food, alcohol (if you’re of the legal drinking age obviously), clothes, shoes, jewelry, etc. You both operate under the philosophy of “what’s mine is yours.” It’s probably almost gotten to the point where if you guys go out together and aren’t wearing something the other one owns, something is obviously wrong with the universe.  

  3. You only go out if the other one is going out too. If one of you goes out without the other, it’s not nearly as fun, and you basically spend the entire night drunk texting the other about how much you miss them.

  4. You are way too protective of each other. If one of you brings home a boy, the other feels the need to interrogate said boy and ensure that he has NOTHING but the best intentions. You also want to make sure that he knows who’s #1 in your roommate’s heart, and it’s definitely never going to be him as long as you’re around to say something about it.

  5. You’re in a relationship with your roommate’s relationship. You always join in on their snuggles. You also get really sad when they don’t invite you on their dates because FOMO is definitely a thing, and you’re a crucial part of their relationship, duh.

  6. Your parents like your roommate more than you. When your parents call you, they always ask about your roommate first, and whenever they come to visit, they always want your roommate to go out to dinner with you guys. They also offer to send up care packages when your roommate gets sick, but if you get sick, your parents never offer to do that.

  7. Your roommate gives your siblings advice that they actually listen to. Your sibling never listens to your advice, but as soon as your roommate gives your sibling advice, it’s like they were getting advice from a celebrity or something.

You know what true love is because that’s the only way to describe your feelings for your roommate. No boy will ever be able to give you the love and support you’ve gotten from your roommate. You feel like you might as well give up on trying to find your soul mate because you’re never going to love someone as much as you love your roommate does.

Photos courtesy of Melanie Taetle. 

I'm from Atlanta, Georgia, but mind you I do not have a southern accent (even though I secretly want one). I'm currently pursuing a double major in History and Political Science (don't ask me if I'm going to Law School because I honestly don't even know what I'm eating for dinner). I love writing, reading, binge watching netflix, working out, eating, and most importantly I love hanging out with my friends. My life goal is to one day complete the Mount Nachissimo Nacho Eating challenge at Tio's.