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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

After taking some time to reflect on the past year, I compiled the many lessons I’ve learned into a simple list. Here are some suggestions for a happy and successful 2019: 

1. It’s not okay to neglect your health, both mental and physical, for any amount of time.

I spent too many consecutive weeks telling myself I just had to get to the weekend and then I could unwind, only to never actually unwind. Quality down-time is important, no matter how much you have going on. Burnout isn’t something to be laughed off, but we get so used to the feeling that it becomes our new normal.

2. You can’t control what the toxic people around you do, but you can control the impact they have on you.

When I went home for break, it took me a while to shake off the negativity I had picked up from other people. It wasn’t so much that they had made me negative myself, but I’d got used to feeling constantly on edge and was battered mentally. It took some time with my family to feel more like myself, and I’m putting as much distance as is physically possible between me and the people that make me unhappy. 


3. When people (friends) show you who they are, believe them.

Somewhat connected to the above, I’ve always given people the benefit of the doubt and excused bad friendship because of the past. I’m trying to take on the lesson that history can only go so far, and that when someone is consistently acting like a bad friend, that’s because they are a bad friend.

4. Enjoy the victories.

I achieved some big things last year and I never stopped to enjoy them. Something always came up and got in the way of me feeling proud of myself, but this year I want to actually enjoy what I’ve earned. I graduate in a few months and I want to celebrate that for the achievement that it is.

5. Get used to being uncomfortable again.

It isn’t that I’ve stopped taking personal risks, but I’ve got used to making decisions mainly about school. Now the consequences seem greater and things feel more daunting than ever before with graduation right around the corner, so I’ve accepted the fact that I’m going to have to take a leap of faith again. Maybe I won’t get the perfect job straight away, or maybe I’ll have to try something new to start with, but as long as I keep trying I’ll get there eventually.

6. Put the phone down and be present.

I don’t use my phone while I’m speaking to other people, but besides that, I spend way too much time on it. I can’t even remember the last time I watched TV without looking at my phone most of the time, and I’ve started to feel stressed out when I don’t have it on me and am unreachable for any period of time. So far this year, I’ve made an effort to limit the time I spend on my phone and be present in whatever it is I’m doing, even if that’s watching TV by myself. 

7. Moisturize and exfoliate.

It’s kind of a frivolous, superficial thing to end with, but it’s my New Year’s Resolution to moisturize and exfoliate frequently. The climate has wreaked havoc on my skin and I’m trying to regain the softness and smoothness I once had. In terms of the bigger picture, I think my skin is reflective of how well I’m looking after myself, so by taking the small amount of time to pamper it (and also drink lots of water and eat well), I’m also having some TLC and relaxation, thus improving my health.

Katie Mercer is an International Student at the University of Michigan from London, England! She's studying Communication Studies, and hopefully Marketing and Writing. For more about Katie, follow her Instagram (@katieemercerr) or her Twitter (@katiee_mercer). Go Blue!