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5 Tips For Staying Sane During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

During finals week, it can be incredibly hard to hold yourself together when you’re pulling all-nighters and surviving on only caffeine…the stress alone is enough to break you down. But the most important thing to remember during finals is to put your own health first; the best way to ace your finals is to take care of yourself. So here are a few tips to keep you energized, focused, and ready to nail all of your exams!

1. Eat

Brain food is important! I always keep power bars or snacks in my backpack when I am in for a long day at the library. It’s also important to eat before tests! I know I cannot concentrate when I am hungry (because then I turn “hangry”).


2. Take breaks

Or else you really will go insane. I find that I work best studying for an hour and a half and then taking ten minute breaks. Whether it is Facebook stalking or listening to music, taking breaks allows you to be more productive and is also a great way to de-stress.

3. Hit the gym

Working out gives you endorphins, and as we all learned in Legally Blonde, “endorphins make you happy!” Sitting in the library all day can make you tired, so running on the treadmill for just thirty minutes is a good way to reduce your stress levels and keep your body moving.

4. Make a schedule

When studying for a million exams, I always find it helpful to make a schedule for myself. It helps me manage my time so I can dedicate enough time to each class. By making a schedule, you make sure that you are equally prepared for each final.

5. Sleep

During finals make sure you get enough shut-eye! I do not recommend pulling an all-nighter because the next day you will be less productive. Trust me, your body and brain will thank you! No one wants to be that person that falls asleep in the library… or even worse, during your exam!

Images courtesy of: Buzzfeed, MTV, Huffington Post, Disqus, and imoviequotes