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5 Tips for a Fun and Safe St. Patty’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

1.     Dress appropriately for the weather…



You aren’t Elsa–don’t get caught without a coat! If you haven’t noticed, we’re living in a frozen tundra, and while it seems to be melting a little bit (finger’s crossed this continues!), you don’t want to be too bold with your outerwear choices, so keep a coat with you.


2.     BUT, keep up with the spirit.



Don’t get pinched—wear ALL green. The more the better. This is St. Patrick’s day, where 99% of the college campus will be wasted. No one cares how ridiculous you look. Go bold.


3.     Get festive with your dranks…



Obviously you’ll be starting with an Irish coffee, but there are so many more drinks to keep rolling with the holiday spirit! Everyone drinks green beer, but you can go a little bolder. Try an Irish Julep, a Lunar Leprechaun, or a Lucky Tart! Recipes for those can be found here http://www.examiner.com/article/35-best-green-cocktails-mixed-drinks-recipes-for-st-patrick-s-day-cheers.

Also, never forget an Irish Car Bomb. This is very important for an authentic St. Patty’s.  



4.     BUT, be safe. (Water, water, water!)



Don’t try to go drink-for-drink with your favorite frat bro. Mix it up and drink water every once in a while. Last St. Patty’s. You can’t be slamming alcoholic drinks all day and expect to make it out alive. Stay hydrated and stay safe. St. Patrick would endorse this message.

Soak up some of that alcohol with authentic Irish foods, such as Corn Beef & Cabbage. (I’m kidding, that actually sounds disgusting sober.)


5.     Brush up on your history.

St. Patrick’s Day wasn’t always an excuse to get blackout drunk (mostly because the Irish don’t really need a reason). Do any of you know who St. Patrick was? Obviously he was quite the dude if there’s a holiday after him, but there has to be more to the story. Read up on your history here and impress all the drunk people you meet with your knowledge:  http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=89 

Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking:




The important thing is to just have fun and make memories that you can sort of, kinda remember.




Sending you all good thoughts for your upcoming St. Party’s adventures!


I'm a sophomore at the University of Michigan, majoring in Communications and Creative Writing. I like gifs, videos of people falling, and my cat. I don't take myself too seriously.