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Rebecca Hoskins / Her Campus Media

Nurturing Self-Love And Embracing Feminity

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Boston chapter.

We live in a world where societal standards and media influence can determine what it means to be feminine. From when we were children to when we blossomed into young adults, there was and still is the constant bombardment from various media: advertisements, videos, movies, and social media posts that tell us how we should look, behave, and portray ourselves as women. The expectations from those sources, including those we surround ourselves with, can become unrealistic and exhausting, often leaving us to feel suffocated and questioning our sense of self-worth and identity.

However, I feel that from this, we can find ways to love ourselves and embrace our femininity, uniquely tailored to us and our experience in womanhood. These pressures put on us through society are an opportunity to see that embracing our feminity is not only about fitting a mold but also about realizing that the different qualities and characteristics make us who we are, no matter how they may fit with the ideals of our society. To do this, though, we must accept and love ourselves for who we are unapologetically; doing so can open doors to a place of possibility and potential where we can live a life of purpose, confidence, and fulfillment.

What are Femininity and self-love?

To understand feminity, it is best to go beyond societal stereotypes and instead dive into the rich and diverse range of expressions representing women’s unique identities and experiences. You can even ask yourself this question and see how your values and experiences shape your identity and expression as a woman. The actual definition of femininity is multifaceted and entirely subjective; it is how you decide to identify it both literally and within yourself. Embracing femininity can be an empowering and incredibly reflective journey since it sparks an intense feeling of self-love and acceptance.

So, what is self-love, and how can this influence your view of yourself and your femininity? As I see it, self-love goes past the simple idea of loving yourself. Still, it means that you fully accept yourself, treat yourself with the utmost respect and kindness, and hold a deep appreciation and positive view of yourself. Sharon Martin, in her article published in 2019 on Psych Central, “What is Self-Love and Why Is It So Important,” explains it perfectly, “Self-love encompasses not only how you treat yourself but also your thoughts and feelings about yourself.” In other words, love, compassion, and understanding of oneself come through you nurturing the inner workings of yourself.

embracing your feminine energy

In our society, women are encouraged to be independent, think for themselves, and strive courageously towards things they want. This is extremely important; however, on social media, this type of advice can be severely misconstrued and instead promote a much more toxic view of the liberating and independent nature of being a woman. One part of what it means to embrace and hone into your feminity is to accept and honor the uniqueness of yourself beyond what is typically associated with femininity. This doesn’t mean you cannot align with the traditional view of femininity, such as being nurturing, caring, or in tune with your emotions; however, those traits do not have to be the only ones that define you or your feminine energy. Recognizing and embracing these qualities while also expressing yourself in a way that aligns with your personality can help to give you a much more positive outlook on how you identify your feminity.

By tapping into your feminine energy, you can better understand the outer world and yourself. This includes allowing your emotions to flow and develop empathy toward others, relying on your intuition to guide you, and using your creativity to express who you are genuinely. Honoring the unique aspects of what makes you who you are is another part of what it truly means to embrace your feminine energy instead of fitting into stereotypes by society’s standards. I want to say this is a journey that doesn’t come quickly, but it is a path full of empowerment and self-discovery that enables you to live your life of discovery and purpose. What truly matters is that you believe in yourself, honor your intuition, and celebrate the beauty of being feminine.

ending thoughts

Discovering yourself and embracing who you are and the femininity within you is a challenging yet fulfilling journey, especially in a world where stereotypes dominate the perception of what femininity can mean to you or others. Allowing ourselves to go beyond the stereotypical ideals of society and welcome the diversity of femininity opens doors to a path of self-empowerment and discovery. I also think amidst this, self-love plays a pivotal role in how you identify yourself with your femininity, as self-love entails acceptance of oneself.

We can genuinely embody the core of femininity by nurturing our feminine energy, building a supportive community with women and others, and placing boundaries to protect our emotional wellness. I think that together, we can inspire and empower one another to embrace who we are and rejoice in what we identify as our femininity with confidence and pride. Your femininity is true to you and makes you the unique and wonderful woman you are! :)

Ciara Santiago

U Mass Boston '25

Ciara is a Junior majoring in psychology at the University of Massachusetts Boston. She loves to paint, watch movies, listen to music and podcasts, and read avidly. They advocate for mental health and wellness and hope to share this passion with others.