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We Wonder: Why Do Girls Love John Mayer So Much?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

I think John Mayer is God.

There, I said it! It’s no secret about my feelings for John Mayer. If I have control of the music, I put him on, when I talk about my favorite concert, I talk about him. All my friends know how much I love him, yet every time I say it, I always get the same response from my guy friends: “Why? He’s an a**hole.” Every time they say that I get into the same debate with them, that I’m about to get into with you now.

John Mayer had his heart broken.

Fact. Some girl from back home totally messed him up. His albums are practically one long grieving process. His first EP, Inside Wants Out, the song “Comfortable” plays. John Mayer outright sings about how he misses a girl and says: “I want you back.” Moving on a few albums comes up, “All We Ever Do is Say Goodbye,” which talks about how he keeps letting the same girl break his heart. That’s why girls like John Mayer. They can relate to him and his music, because who hasn’t had their heartbroken?

But the reason girls love John Mayer? He overcomes it, and is better off for it.

His last two albums, Born and Raised and Paradise Valley, are some of the happiest and most upbeat albums Mayer has ever produced. His songs like “Shadow Days” and “Wildfire” are all about moving on and having a good time. Sure, Mayer still looks back on his old life with “Dear Marie” (which we suspect is the girl who broke his heart in the first place). But looking back, he has no feelings of bitterness or regret. Just accepting the fact that it is what it is and moving on from that.

Come out with another album, John Boy. Because girls love you, and we get where you’re coming from.

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Katie Lynch

U Mass Amherst

A Communications and Journalism Major at UMass Amherst