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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

With 230 excited and anxious UMass students waiting outside the Student Union Ballroom, UMass Amhert’s Peer Health Educators and the Center for Health Promotion initiated the UMass Paws Program for the first time today.

This is a program that brings dogs onto campus in order to relieve issues such as stress and homesickness. By bringing an animal that we all know and love to campus, there can be an increase in happiness along with a decrease in stress levels.

Seeing nothing but smiles of everyone’s faces, The Peer Health Educators and Center for Health Promotion are hoping to keep this program going. There’s a chance we’ll see more at the end of the semester!

Here’s a few more pictures from the event to brighten up your day Collegiettes:

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Ellanje Ferguson

U Mass Amherst

Ellanje Ferguson is a senior Journalism and Communications double-major at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She serves as the current Campus Correspondent-President and was the former Head Photographer and Social Media Director of Her Campus UMass Amherst. She has a large interest in writing, social media and fashion editorial work. She loves to write and give style advice! Aside from this, she enjoys blogging, listening to music, and of course - shopping.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst