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So Long Summer: Transitioning back into “School-Mode”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

After months of bikinis, barbeques and the beach, it’s hard thinking about getting back into “school-mode.” We spend all of our time during the summer doing just the right amount of nothingness that when we’re finally back at school, the first few weeks can be difficult while trying to adjust. But not to worry, there are plenty of ways to get excited and campus-ready. There are three general areas I think you should get in order when trying to get back into the swing of things:

  • Organization
  • Time Management
  • Staying Healthy

Let’s start by getting organized! To me, there is no better feeling than being completely organized, especially at the start of school! A great way to feel motivated to start working again is by getting cute new supplies. Coordinate notebooks, folders, and binders etc. to feel and stay organized. Creating a cute and organized desk space always motivates me to do my work. One of my favorite items purchased for school this year was this Vera Bradley Agenda book ($25). Not only is it a good way to stay organized, but it also keeps you up-to-date on deadlines, events, and homework.

Lately, it seems that DIY projects have become increasingly popular. It is so easy to find simple do-it-yourself projects on websites like Pinterest that can help you stay organized for the year. Having some sort of corkboard, magnet board or larger calendar are also very good ways to keep track of your to-dos. There are endless possibilities and ideas that you can find by searching simple words like “DIY magnetic board.” It’s like magic because instantly hundreds of images and instructions appear. These DIY projects are a great way to stay organized while still being cute and crafty!

While away at college, everyone knows that there is nothing more important than managing your time wisely. As a current sophomore, I am still learning how and when to do things, in order to balance my schoolwork and social life. Mark the dates of homework and all assignments ahead of time so you can get them done in advance and know when all things are due so you can have time for yourself! To me, this is extremely important while being at college. There is nothing worse than having an overload of work and letting stress build up, it will only lead to your demise.  Start a routine for each day of the week, that way you get into a certain mode that will help you achieve your daily goals.  Set your alarms at the beginning of the week for each day, so you leave no room to forget!

Being at such a large school such as UMass, it is extremely easy to get sick with the thousands of people you simply walk by throughout the day (ew). However, there are simple ways to stay healthy.

1) Always keep complete multi-vitamins, or at least vitamin-C on hand in your dorm, apartment, or house. Taking these daily will help to boost your immune system and hopefully prevent sicknesses the like common cold.

2) FIND TIME FOR THE GYM! Again, I’m emphasizing time management. Even if it is for a half hour, working out is a great way to stay healthy and fit while at school. Instagram is extremely popular, and it is now super easy to find quick and simple exercises!

3) Keep healthy food on hand! Fruit and vegetables that are easy to keep in your dorm, is great to have as breakfast or a midday snack! Things like strawberries, blueberries, carrots, etc. are perfect foods to keep close by and have plenty of vitamins and nutrients.

4) Lastly, always get a good 8 hours of sleep. This is vital to keeping your immune system as strong as possible. If necessary, find time for naps!

Stay healthy and happy as you transition back to school, collegiettes™!

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Alana Alongi

U Mass Amherst

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst