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New Age, New Decade: What I Hope to Accomplish In My 20s

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

This Libra baby is finally 20! As of every birthday year, I would write reflections based on the previous year. However, this year I want to write about the future, and what I would want for myself in this new age decade! 


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/ Unsplash

This is a tricky one. For most of my life, I never had a specific dream career, which is why every time I think about this topic, I feel like it could go any direction. For one, I’m a Marketing major, and the thing I love about this major is that it is so versatile. I could go into any field within Marketing, and I love how it is not focused on one specific thing, unless, I choose it to be. 

However, one of my passions would be fashion or anything that sparks my creativity. Growing up, I would do so many artistic things, that I didn’t have my “go-to” medium. I would experiment with everything: like painting, sketching, dancing, playing the violin, writing, and singing. Nowadays, I’m more passionate about drawing, painting, and writing, but because I had so many passions growing up I could never figure out which one of those things I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I almost want to be like Barbie, and have every career possible: a writer, painter, fashion designer, singer, or entrepreneur. Unfortunately, it’s not always the case. 

I think what I always wanted to do deep down was to find a career that would allow me to express my ideas and creativity. When I’ve pictured my career, I’ve never seen myself sitting in an office and doing “busy work”. 

I don’t have a specific position in mind, but I would love to work in something to do with fashion, media, beauty, or art-related! 


The most important thing about this topic is that I hope I never lose sight of my friendships when life gets busy. Life is always going to be busy, however, I feel like once you hit a certain age, things are going to kick up faster than you expect. I think my 20s will be the time — from looking for internships, graduating, traveling, finding a job, working, meeting other people, possibly getting married, and having a family. There are a lot of milestones happening in this coming decade, and it scares me that one day I won’t be able to see or talk to my best friends as much as I do now. Some might say it’s not the most important thing compared to other things in life, however, I disagree because friends are your chosen people. Sometimes they’re the people who keep your life together when you need it. The hard truth is that you’re going to outlive the people who you have grown up to know will always be there, which is most likely your parents. Friends will be there in times of happiness, but also in times of need and I think it is important for me to remember that in my 20s. 

For my family, I also hope to not lose sight of them either. I think the stigma around growing up is that you have to let go of your parents when it’s time. To an extent, I think it is true because it can help you be independent and explore things on your own, but I feel that it is okay to still say “I need my mom” or “I need my family”. No matter how old we get, we’ll always be their baby and we have limited time with them. In my case, I have my mom and although I thrive on being independent, I hope I don’t forget my mom is always there for me. I also hope in my 20s that the dynamic with my mom isn’t as much, “you’re so young, so I’m still going to treat you like my kid”, but more so, “I see you’re growing up and I want to co-exist with you as a mother and a guide”.
With love, I hope I do get married! I’m a lover girl at heart, and I would love to settle down in my late 20s. I think it’s a blessing to be able to find your person at an early age and to spend as much time with them as possible. In that case, I hope I have the dream partner, wedding, and overall fairytale of my dreams in my 20s. 


In my 20s, I hope to be able to have a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing! So far, I’m on the right track to graduating on time but it is still something I think about completing in my 20s! 


New York City
Original photo by Anumeha Rajvanshi

My dream location to work and live in is the most cliche place… but I would love to be in New York City in my 20s. I feel like it’s such a lively and vibrant place to be in your early life! There is so much to explore, and I think New York has a lot of opportunities that could benefit me socially and professionally. Hopefully whatever job I get is enough to pay the bills! 

Overall, I hope I can look back at this and say I accomplished all of these. However, life moves pretty fast and who knows what can happen. At the very least, I can say I looked forward to my future and life with the excitement of getting my adulthood journey started. 

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Amanda Chung

U Mass Amherst '26

Hi! I’m a member of UMass Amherst’s HC, and I’m just spreading my ideas and having fun! :)