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A Letter To: Girls and Your TaTa’s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Dear TaTa’s and Owners of said TaTa’s,

How are you? Ok, weird question to ask boobs, direct that one at yourselves. Unfortunately, we all probably know someone who has or has had breast cancer. It’s an awful disease that affects 1 in 8 women in their lifetime. Because it’s October aka Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I figured I’d write to all my fellow females and share how we can help ourselves be aware of this ugly disease known as breast cancer. 

When we go to the doctor, they teach us how to do an at-home breast exam. I can probably count on one hand how many of my friends, including myself, actually do this. Yes, I know, if you’re reading this you’re likely to be in the 17-24 age range, but that doesn’t make you exempt, it’s never too early to take action. Don’t be afraid to feel yourself up! (Sorry Mom and Dad)

Despite rumors and irrational thinking amongst us gals, there are a couple of things that we can immediately rule out as not being causes of breast cancer. These include caffeine, deodorant (thank G), microwaves, cell phones and, of course, contact with someone who has cancer. Don’t stop eating Smart Ones frozen dinners and definitely do not stop wearing deodorant, please. 

What we do know can be one of the causes is genetics. If it’s in your family, you are more at risk but that does not mean you are going to develop breast cancer. Instead of freaking out and just accepting the fact that you could possibly, maybe, develop breast cancer, it’s best to take action and ask your doctor what you can do now, even at a young age. I’ll say it again, it’s never too early and there is no harm in being extra cautious.

Something that is extremely important for daily life as well as for our boobies is exercise. Though it cannot cure the disease, a good diet and exercise can reduce the risk of developing BC. So, not only can you work on those washboard abs to get that self-esteem soaring, in the back of your mind you can know that it’s helping you in the long run. Remind me to take that advice.

Another important risk factor you probably already know about is smoking. It can increase your chance for developing breast cancer as well as other cancers. Second-hand smoke definitely isn’t helping, either. Ladies, do yourselves, your boobs, and the people around you a favor and put out that butt. 

So, girls, in order to help save your TaTa’s, the best you can do is help prevent and plan. We all have a habit of putting that five pager off until the day it’s due (due tomorrow, do tomorrow), but this is not something you should procrastinate. Face it, despite them getting in the way at the gym (couldn’t tell you about that) or not allowing you to fit into your 8th grade bathing suit anymore (move on, girls), your TaTa’s have been good to you, so be good back.

Save the TaTa’s!

Oh, and boys, this goes to you too! Not sure how much testosterone is reading this article, but men are also at risk of breast cancer, though a smaller one. Only one in a thousand men will be diagnosed with breast cancer, but it is still worth it, of course, to check the facts with your doctor.

This subject hits pretty close to home as it prevented me from ever meeting my Grandmother. My mom lost her mom when she was just 15 and yet still grew to be an amazing mother despite not having one for the majority of her life. My Auntie was also affected and she kicked it’s ass like we all knew she would. This letter is for them and for whoever has been or is currently being affected. 



The information in this article was provided by nationalbreastcancer.org

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Samantha Walsh

U Mass Amherst

I am a rising senior journalism major, education minor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I've always enjoyed writing and journalism but my career goal is to become an elementary school teacher after I (hopefully) get my masters next year. I love hanging with my family, my puppy brother Charlie, and of course my friends. My friends and I can usually be seen at parties laughing uncontrollably, crying hysterically, and/or dancing like we're in a rap video. Sometimes all at once. It's a good time. My favorite past time is drinking iced coffee and I'm way too obsessed with my iPhone. I work full time in the summers at TPC Boston as a waitress and beverage cart girl. It's pretty ideal. Im super excited to start a life for myself outside of college but if you or anyone you know has a device to slow down time and make senior year last extra, extra long, please contact me. Xo