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How to Get a Bigger Butt As Told By Jennifer Lopez

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Alright ladies, summer is coming — so let’s get that booty into shape, Jenny from the Block style!

The basis for any great butt-toning exercise is the squat. You can do it with weights, textbooks, or your tuition bill. Make sure that your feet are in a position that’s wider than your hips and you’re back straight. Heck, add a twerk in there too. 

If you’re legs are starting to hurt, just bounce it out. 

Engage your core! In addition to getting a great butt, make sure that you have some spicy hot abs to go with that booty. 

Even the finest movements go a long way.

Remember to incorporate your back into your butt exercises, but don’t over-do it to the point that you can’t do this anymore

Your power should also come from your thighs and not your knees.

Don’t forget to stretch it out when you’re done!

Even though you may look a bit weird to others, you work that exercise!

If you keep at it, eat healthy, have fun, and love yourself – you’ll get that firm tush in no time

Photos: 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Hi friends! (I'm not done but I don't know what else to say).
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst