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Healthy Eating Habits That Will Sleigh the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Be mindful of what you’re eating. 

Something that can be extremely crucial specifically during the holiday season is paying attention to what you are putting into your body. Moderation is key. We eat with our eyes first often taking a larger portion than we need and thus we fail to realize what exactly we are eating and thus lose all sense of portion control. Being more aware of what you are eating will allow for you to quickly realize when you’ve had enough. If you keep track of how much you’ve eaten throughout the day, you’ll be able to identify how much you should eat at each meal.  

Eat the healthier foods first. 

It is always a good idea to start with foods that have more nutritional value to them. This way, when you do get full, you will have eaten the foods that are essential to a meal while also still enjoying some of the savory holiday treats. You will be filled with food that fuels your body with protein, vitamins, fiber. For example, if there are vegetable options present at the dinner table, try to focus on those on your plate before getting to the more calorically-dense foods of your meal. 

Try to avoid overeating, and focus on the foods you love. 

Overeating in general is a struggle, especially when faced with a multitude of options spread on the dinner table. From turkey with gravy, to stuffing to mashed potatoes, there is an ongoing list of delicious foods. We often don’t even realize we are full until after we stuff ourselves to no end. Eat slowly in order to allow your body the time to signal that you are full. While it is definitely okay to indulge, and choose the foods that are unique to the holiday season; in general, choose foods that you truly love to eat rather than opting for smaller portions of things you don’t necessarily love. 

Make physical activity a priority. 

During the holiday season, most people focus on spending more quality time with their families. An efficient way of doing so is by trying to spend some of that quality family time exercising. Although sometimes exercising may not be the most enjoyable task on your to-do list for the day, there are alternatives to simply going to the gym. Instead, try going on a walk, hike, or even going ice skating with friends or family if there’s a rink or pond nearby. 

With all that said, lose the guilt. 

It’s the holiday season, it’s only fair for you to allow for some cheer. It is important to try not to be too hard on yourself and actually enjoy the unique and delicious meals for each holiday. It’s not worth it to stress over your eating habits over this time of year as it’s supposed to be a time for relaxation and celebration. 

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Caroline Malkin

U Mass Amherst '23

Caroline is a freshman at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is a marketing major in the Isenberg School of Business. When she is not spending time with her family, friends, or dogs, you can find her at the gym, listening to one of her many Spotify playlists, watching netflix, or in the kitchen learning new healthy recipes.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst