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A GIF Story: How College Students Are All Actually Sloths

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Hey Collegiettes! Have you ever woken up one morning (or maybe even most mornings) during the semester and felt so tired and unmotivated for, well, everything?

Sometimes I can’t help but notice how sloth-like we college students are. No, I’m not talking about one of the seven deadly sins; I’m talking about the actual sedentary tree-dwelling mammal. Sloths are notorious for having very little energy, slow metabolisms, and for sleeping up to 20 hours a day. Sound familiar?

We should all just admit it: while we definitely do work hard and play hard, we also sometimes tend to sloth hard. Some days, we just need to relax and embrace our inner sloth, and that’s totally okay. But other times, I think we go a little overboard. Personally, sometimes I think that you could take me out of my daily activities and put a sloth in my presence, and literally nothing would change. Here are a few ways in which we college students tend to act like this languid (but adorable) mammal.

First of all, we’re too tired for everything.

In class:

At work:

Studying at the library:

We all like to pretend we’re party animals…

…but as soon as we leave our room, all we can think about is going back to bed.

The only thing we don’t seem too tired for is eating.

But sometimes, we’re even too tired for that.

There are a few qualities we have other than being sleepy and hungry all the time.

We can also be pretty sassy:

We find walking to be a constant struggle:

We love being overly affectionate with our best friends and roommates:

(Even if they don’t always want to return that affection):

And finally, all of us are just really, really weird:

So embrace your inner sloth, Collegiettes! Just remember to be productive sometimes.

Photo Sources: 123456789101112131415.

Rachel is an English major and a Senior at UMass Amherst, a student assistant at W.E.B. Dubois Library, an expert at procrastinating and tripping over stuff, and likes dinosaurs, tea, video games, and all things sparkly.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst