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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Arriving at college on the opposite coast from where I grew up, I expected a change. I had formulated an idea in my head of what it all would be like in New England: the warm, bright summers, breezy and rainy springs, colorful falls, and snow-covered winters. At last, I would get to experience what it was like to live in four seasons, whereas in Las Vegas the weather only really shifted from really hot, to slightly less hot, to not too hot at all. Out of the four seasons, I most excitedly awaited fall. I dreamed about cute cardigans, vibrant leaves, and autumn festivities I have never before been able to experience.

As my new adventure in a New England fall begins, however, I’m figuring out that I still have a lot to learn.

The Weather

Oh, how naïve could I be? New England weather does indeed change according to the season, but also by day or the hour. When I wake up, it feels like a normal October day. I put on my favorite dress, a light sweater and sandals, managing to get halfway across campus, when all of a sudden, it drops ten degrees and begins raining. When I can, I quickly rush back to my dorm and pile on the warmest clothes I have—only to discover the rain has cleared up and it’s hot again! There’s no winning here. The weather is unpredictable—unruly, even. I’m learning quickly that layers are key to survival.

Apple what?

Back home, it’s too dry to grow all the kinds of local produce that exist in Massachusetts. The apples I used to buy in Las Vegas didn’t particularly have much flavor, and you definitely can’t go pick them for yourself. It has been a huge treat for me to actually have access to and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables.

The abudance of fresh apples also brings one of the best inventions of mankind. I don’t know how I survived 18 years without trying one: the Apple Cider Donut. The crisp exterior painted with sugary delight gives way to fluffy, cakey inside. They’re good enough to beat out any Krispy Kreme I’ve ever tasted. It’s a delicacy I am now refusing to let go of.

The Colors

I have not been let down by the beauty that surrounds me on campus. I’ve never seen leaves so magnificent in my entire life. I have a collection growing in my backpack because I don’t want to leave them behind. Each day, I try to take five minutes to consciously appreciate it all. With growing amounts of school work and the pressure that comes with it, the colors of the leaves make me step back and realize that, all in all, it’s not too bad. It’s a beautiful day, a beautiful world, and the hard times will pass.

The Festivities

My first fall experience in New England is also accompanied by my first fall experience in college; I can enjoy it all with the new friends I am making along the way. It’s always soothing to end the day with a cup of warm pumpkin tea, laughing over good music with friends or deciding to pull whatever we can together to go to that Halloween party we just heard about.

To be honest, I would have to say that I don’t have a complete grasp of all that is coming at me during this New England fall. Yes, maybe, it’s not all I expected it to be. Nonetheless, it’s definitely a beautiful time of year, and I’m soaking it in as much as possible.

Images/GIFs: 1, 2

All other images courtesy of the author. 

Hi, I'm Caeli! I'm a current Freshman at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who loves to write, report, photograph, and get a grasp on new opinions. Follow me on Twitter @ caeli_chesin or Instagram @caelichesin
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst