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Creating the perfect vibe for your study space and cluttered mind

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Being remote is a hard transition for all of us. It’s hard to study and keep up with deadlines with all the distractions at home. Sometimes your mind feels too overwhelmed. It’s understandable. I know my mind feels so cluttered and I just want to be able to be proud of myself and feel in progress for my peace of mind. What I realized is that I needed a good study space that will help me become the person I want to be and keep moving. Here are some things I did to create positive, and all around, good vibes for my study space:  

1. Have a clean space 

Take out all the unnecessary stuff on your desk, but make sure your desk isn’t too bare. I felt that it’s better to have a more minimalistic feel so my mind doesn’t feel too cluttered.

2. Accessories, accessories, accessories!

Add some decor for a minimalistic feel and add a bit of your personality. 

3. Set the lighting

Open the curtains! The natural sunlight really hits differently when you study. To me, I feel fuzzy warmth and calm vibes.

Window Sun Curtains Plants Apartment
Anna Thetard / Her Campus

4. Music tips

I notice that music is distracting. But for people who aren’t used to silence, as well as people wanting to block out outside distractions, instrumental music is the perfect go-to. Just search up late night/evening vibes on youtube and there you go. My personal favorites are hogwarts instrumentals. Low jazz in the background is the best way to help set the scene. 

5. Have a planner

I swear by this one. Planning out all your exams, projects, assignments can really help make a good study schedule. Prioritizing your assignments and goals for the day can help you get them done quicker and be more organized.

Journal opened to September
Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

6. Keep Organized Notes

Sometimes too many notebooks can just feel disorganized. A good method for organized notes can be an ipad with a pen. It’s the perfect tool to organize all your class notes and homework assignments into one place.

7. A good drink and some snacks are key! 

I always feel the need to re-energize when I do assignments. A good latte or hot chocolate gives my sweet tooth a fix. I tend to actually eat dark chocolate chips as a snack or peanut butter on toast. 

8. Studying on a bed is not a good idea

Listen, I know the temptation. But just don’t even think about the bed because you’ll just spend your time either sleeping or distracting yourself. The end result is never good.

9. Feeling too stuffy in your room?

Just get out the door to your porch or the backyard. You can sit on the grass and just keep working. Also, laying on the grass and looking up at the sky is always a good way to clear your mind. 


With all these tips, you’ll be sure to bring your best A game for the semester!

Sidrat Siddiqui

U Mass Amherst '22

Sidrat Siddiqui is a senior studying the world of Chemistry. When she isn't studying, you will find her drinking a cuppa matcha, sleeping for inordinate amounts of time, and spending late nights reading books.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst