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A Collegiette’s Guide to Staying Positive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Being happy and positive at all times seems like it should be easy, right? Well sometimes you may “wake up on the wrong side of the bed” and need that extra push to stay positive. While some people may find that by reading the newest magazine others may prefer to go for a long, long run.

Here are some ways to keep smiling and stay happy!

1) Be the “Yes (Wo)Man”

Maybe you’re tired and not feeling like going out. Maybe the crowd is not your “cup of tea.” Instead of saying no to the plans, just say yes. You never know what will happen. You may end up having a great night!

2) Volunteer

Donate food to a food drive, clean up your local park, take your grandparents out for lunch! It’s the little things that puts life in perspective. Trust me, you will feel great after realizing the impact you made.

3) Go for a Walk

Rather than staying inside your house and staring at the computer and TV screen all day, get some fresh air! Call up your friend and explore the town you’re in. Between the fresh air, sunlight, and laughs with your friends, you will definitely be smiling!

4) Do something for yourself

Life can get pretty stressful at times. You may have a huge test to study for, or have more hours of work than you can even count for the week. Rather than dreading studying and working, find some time that you are free and do something for yourself. You were eyeing that popular, new OPI nail polish? Treat yourself and get your nails done! Everyone deserves a little pampering.

Clear the negativity and stay positve, Collegiettes™! Only a couple more weeks before winter break, you can do it.

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Dani Strum

U Mass Amherst

I am a senior at UMass Amherst studying English. I love everything fashion and fitness related.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst