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9 Study Spots on Campus That We Guarantee You Haven’t Tried Yet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

At UMass, there are only so many places where all 28,000 of us can study and get some work done. Because let’s face it: Du Bois gets overcrowded and Blue Wall is a nightmare at lunch time. Here’s a list of nine unexpected spots on campus to study for your next big exam, and I promise they won’t disappoint.

1. Haigis Mall

As the buses come through, why not sightsee while also getting work done? You can even ask people if they can quiz you when they get off the bus!

2. Roof of the Fine Arts Center

Contrary to popular belief, there’s enough open space to lay out all your notes.

3. On stage at Bowker Auditorium

You’ll never have to worry about not having enough light.

4. The piano in the Student Union

During each study break, you can bust out a few bars and make new friends!

5. Hampshire Dining Commons

Eat as much as possible and go over flashcards for that upcoming test? That is truly the best of both worlds.

6. Lobby of the ILC after classes get out

The more people around, the merrier!

7. The JA residence service desk

You can make a game out of it: bonus points for every package you help sign out.

8. Mahar Auditorium during Marketing 301

If you’re not in the class, it’s even better. Study for Sociology while listening to a soothing lecture about supply and demand.

9. Mullins Center ice rink

Become part of all the action by whipping out your textbook in the middle of the rink during a hockey game. Watch out for those sharp skates, though. Ice, ice Baby. Am I right? (A seat in the audience would work, too). 

Wherever you choose to study, make sure you make the most of it. Always remember, it doesn’t matter where you work, it’s how you work.

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10  

Chloe Trepanier

U Mass Amherst

Chloe is a Her Campus National Social Media Intern and a senior Communication major at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is the Social Media Director for Facebook for the UMass chapter and is the Chairperson of the UMass Theatre Guild. Her hobbies include watching 30 Rock and eating ice cream. You can follow her on Twitter and on Instagram. 
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst