Even though Tupac Shakur died before some of us Collegiettes were born, his music still has the power to inspire and educate listeners nineteen years later. He was blessed with amazing intellect, which he used to articulate and reflect on his life experiences. We can all really learn something from this insightful artist who was raised by a single mother. What better way to remember Tupac than by quoting him on Instagram? Her Campus UMass Amherst has got your back, bringing you the list of our seven favorite Tupac lyrics:
1. When you post a photo of your mom
“And there’s no way I can pay you back/But my plan is to show you that I understand/You are appreciated” -“Dear Mama”
For those of us who had mothers who raised us and/or are lucky enough to still have them today, it’s our job to show them that we love them. Tupac explained in “Dear Mama” that he did not always have the best relationship with his mother, and he even rebelled from her as a kid. But he realized how much she sacrificed for him once he grew up, making this the perfect shoutout.
2. When you’re feeling a little emo
“We must remember that tomorrow comes after the dark” -“Unconditional Love”
The idea that there is always hope for the future is so important to know. Sometimes life deals you a horrible hand, but staying positive will help you stay strong and survive anything. Use this on Instagram for some #inspo.
3. When you get back together with your ex
“I’m a sucker for love” -“Do for Love”
It’s always hard to tell your friends that you got back together with your ex, especially when you consciously know you’re making a mistake. But if you learned so much from your mistakes, why not make another? Posting this on Instagram will make it official.
4. When you want your followers to know you are a feminist
“I wonder why take from our women/Why we rape our women/Do we hate our women?/I think it’s time to kill for our women/Time to heal our women/Be real to our women” -“Keep Ya Head Up”
Even though Tupac may sound misogynistic in some of his other rap songs, he really respected the struggles of being a woman.
5. When you’re feeling strong
What are some of your favorite Tupac lyrics, Collegiettes?