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6 Crystal Pairings for the Fall Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Whether you are a new student or a seasoned veteran of the adjustment that is back-to-school, we can all agree it is hard AF. The adjustment period comes with many hurdles, but also just as many opportunities for growth, fun, and learning. Crystals are very popular among Gen-Z and anyone who has been pulled in by TikTok trends showing the beauty of crystals and potential magical benefits. Here are some that will help with the very real, non-aesthetic side of campus and college life.

Sylly Week

After moving to or back to campus, the fun of decorating or (re)connecting with friends is a big part of the first few weeks, and so is the adjustment to new classes and professors. While an ambitious student may have read the syllabus and mentally prepared for the order of events and assignments due throughout the semester, realistically, it is something most students tackle within the first two weeks. One may glance their eyes on when papers are due, various online quizzes, and most importantly, trying to factor in what this means for their social life. Fluorite is great for harnessing dexterity and mental focus, paired well with carnelian for confidence as you make first impressions.

The “talk”

“Cohabiting,” one of the biggest markers for whether couples will stay together, is just as important for living with friends or even strangers. While there may be studies and statistics behind it, I will say two (or more) people’s habits for sleeping, eating, and studying, along with countless other behaviors take time to understand, and it requires a talk. Boundaries and responsibilities are hard to assert and agree upon. Two crystals that could benefit the living quarters for maintaining peace would be black tourmaline and Amazonite. While black tourmaline protects energy, with the benefits of placing by doors, as many people may enter your space, Amazonite helps those who struggle to set boundaries, whether it be physical or emotional — even the “don’t touch my food” boundary.

should I sleep or should I go

Whether you’ve signed up for an 8 a.m. or 2 p.m. class, that snooze button is a fine line to cross. Any day of the week is a long day, from getting to classes, sitting in lectures, and squeezing a meal in because you know you will be hangry in your seminar. Getting good rest can be found in various daily practices from determining how much sleep you need if you stay up studying, or meditating before sleep. I recommend Celestite, which is linked to easing stress and even dream recall, as well as Citrine, which is an all-around energy booster that will get you up and moving.

“u up?” texts and snaps

While college is the time to become a specialist or expert in your field, whether it be STEM or the fine arts, it is also a pivotal time leading into adulthood. While many shows would glorify your 20s and college dating life, it is difficult. Part of the freedom that comes with college is the opportunity to date. Regardless of whether your parents were strict or not, now you have a space without curfews and, by most accounts, rules. Intimacy is the safest, yet also nerve-racking word to use for when you get the dropdown notification that reads, “U up?” I suggest Almandine Garnet, which will help you stand in your power and discern your perceptions of what others may be and what intimacy means to you, and Red Jasper, which will help with maintaining control in situations and balance the root chakra.

Marathon not a sprint

Depending on which year of college you’re in, there will be varying levels of stress about having it “all together” and keeping momentum on your goals and aspirations. If someone hasn’t sat you down and given you the, “It’s a marathon, not a sprint” de-pep talk, you will feel that despite your best efforts, you could do better. Imposter syndrome often has a grip on students and the reality is, you may be at this for four years, five years, and even more if contemplating graduate school. Remind yourself that every assignment you submit and class you show up for shows your dedication. Compassion for yourself not only during the semester but your whole life is crucial. Rose quartz, often the crystal for love, can also be beneficial for self-love and is especially helpful when paired with inner-child healing and joyful rhodochrosite.

C’s get degrees

While some follow that sentiment, and while it may feel impossible to excel at every single task in the semester, consider that your success can be as achievable as learning and test-taking. While many people are still adjusting to in-person classes, the same is true for adjusting back to your studies actually being completed outside of your bedroom. For learning new topics, I recommend Lapis Lazuli, which will also aid in communicating ideas *cough* group projects *cough*. Paired well with Lapis is Jade, a great luck and prosperity-attracting stone.

Crystals are a great tool for meditation and supporting growth. Whichever pairings of crystals you choose whether to support academics or personal issues, I hope they help you through the semester! I do recommend this advice to not be used in replacement for counseling or medical advice. Resources specific to UMass Amherst can be found here.

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Eden Gross

U Mass Amherst '24

Eden Gross is a junior-year transfer student at Umass Amherst studying Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies. Eden has experience in writing poetry, as well as Instagram posts about astrology and tarot in her free time. She is always on the hunt for new foods, hobbies, and shows to learn about.